How does COVID affect the mental well-being of employees?

Recent announcements from employees about stress, productivity and well-being.

It’s a euphemism for COVID to have fundamentally changed the way we live, work and play, now … and in the future. It is likely that by 2021 there will be a year of transformation, innovation and a moment to redefine the paradigms and those that are now being adopted. The investigation will show us that the impact of COVID will last. Given that the nines learn to work on the school online, are preoccupied with their queridos, enfrentan la fatiga, elislamiento and a large amount of “extras” in those who think about aggregation in the diarrhea life, only for mantenerse seguros, it is not surprising that 7 out of every 10 estadounidenses (72%) say that their lives have been affected by the virus. Including antidote to the pandemic, estres and the state of affairs at pre-occupied levels, and now, it has been raised. However, most adults in the United States have been informed that their mental health has been negatively affected by the preoccupation and stress of coronavirus and more than three adults in the United States have been informed. de ansiedad o depressant trastorno durante la pandemia. .

In MyEMQ, we have been implementing Energy Boosters with various Fortune 500 companies in the last months. Energy Boosters are fast-paced virtual sessions designed for a fast-paced learning experience, equipping employees with techniques to increase their positive mental well-being, ability and impact to improve their personal energy.

Here are some ideas from a recent Booster event that has 297 assistants, with a variety of editions, roles and functions, to help you think about their jobs, how you can help them now and prepare better for the future.

Thoughts and negative emotions

Have an increase in employees who feel negative emotions at the beginning and end of their day. These meetings are negatively related to starting the day, and these thirds end in a negative state, a third of the terms ends in a negative state, as one feels depressed, anxious, preoccupied or envious.

At the beginning of the day, this state of negative energy can prove not to have a high quality break. There are many reasons for this, some of the most common ones are a mind occupied by preoccupations and preoccupations, as well as going to bed at a good time with an intention to do more on the day. Hecho, it is safe to say that the quality of the sueño has been affected during COVID.

At the end of the day, these negative states are on the verge of leaving the day’s estates. For example, many virtual meetings can cause fatigue of meetings, the one who loves the brain, or the stresses of working while making sure that he is in school online. Employees on the menu do not have time to revitalize their day long, many want to be able to dedicate or take 10 minutes to do everything they need.

What impact can this increase in negative states have? Good, between the many:

More strong reactions and actions that impact relationships Less innovation because it has no capacity for idea Diminution of property

And a cent for his thoughts? (¿Aka qué staba en la ment de los empleados?) Not our surprise to find out that the Mayoria of the persons tenin the work, his family and the same people personally, as well as health, as priority.

If it is not possible to control the actions or the thoughts of algae, as organization, management or leader, designing an important paper in the creation of companies that allow employees to be well and bring the best of them to what they have. Sustainable workloads can alleviate the chaos of meetings and support for well-being, you can create a culture that is emotional, mental and physically good. As well as human beings, as work companions, we can also create an important paper in the creation of a positive energy entity. From being aware of our responses and language, please note that when it comes down to it, we can help each other with the best version of our differences, especially during these challenging times.


More of these threads are currently actually showing high levels of stress. Being in a state of high altitude can affect his body, state of mind and behavior. From cabbage dollars to fatigue, lack of motivation and concentration to irritability, and a mayor consuming alcohol has extremely extreme responses, the high levels of stress can affect all areas of life.

Increasing resilience can help combat stress. Develop mental and behavioral competencies in order for people to overcome challenges and include success in difficult moments can help reduce stress levels. The organizations work closely to create resilience in other areas. For example, in TI you can take steps to ensure that you can provide an acceptable level of service in front of the challengers to their normal functioning. But, how is human resilience allowed? What means is there to ensure that employees can continue to have success during difficult times?


It is a euphemism to say that the people are occupied. We have this problem before the pandemic. All are occupied. It is difficult to imagine at this moment when we will be with the most occupied, without embarrassment, here we are, with many living in a constant state of strife, crossing a field to another. More than a third usually has more than 10 items in its list of pending tariffs, and Independent of the amount of items, the 61% experience levels high or very high levels of stress regarding the amount of things that tenants do.

Ensure that established priorities are established and accurate and understand the capacity of the people is now the most important. No task does tener la misma prioridad. Y, ‘n menudo, el mundo no se derrumbará si no puede hacer algo de inmediato. We must also record that it is our priority, since it is not the other person.

With the increase in work at home, it has increased the number of meetings, with the meeting of employees spending more time at its day of consecutive meetings. Do you ever want a 5 minute biological break? You can really think about how long it is and the time it takes to get there. Is there really a need for a meeting for this duration? Can the same result be differentiated? Hecho, more than ten meetings a meeting or an element related to the work that does not represent a usio of his time and the 42% could easily listen more than 30 minutes if even a better decision about how to invert his energy. It is only a major decision. More than 30 minutes guarded. Imagine 2 or 3 perennial decisions. You should imagine what you can do with one or two extra hours in your week.

Pero, haoi esperanza …

Before all this, the people everywhere will find something that makes them feel good and makes them feel comfortable. The Mayor has found some benefits and a positive impact on spending more time with the family and finding some benefits to work at home. Thus, in the midst of what can be seen as the “life of the corona”, there is no such thing as hope, even if there is also the opportunity to sell it as a version of ours most of us and as a world of more. The times are different from the fact that resilience is being built, innovation is accelerating and, to a lesser extent, humanity is supporting itself mutually.

With so much going on for a merry-go-round during the Christmas season, one can still have a moment of calm and energy. Without embarrassment, the general public said that the people living in the swing are ready to disappear and have high habits and regressed levels of stress. From the minority trade has the work of the house and the economy, the future is discussed in these all the facets of life. Although, one thing is certain, we as human beings will be superior. We will adapt and evolve as we both did before. And we will have a new one based on the crime and the knowledge that we have acquired in the course of our experience of 2020. Make sure you have a list to support the best possible way to be equipped to abort the future and stay import como se vea.

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Author: Sarah Deane

Sarah Deane, founder of EffectUX and creator of EMQ, the first diagnostic and development system to identify and eliminate with precision a basic set of mental health blockers and behavior for human excellence, creating energetic energy and improving behavior … View all profile>
