How do dietary supplements work?

Providing a healthy diet is the best way to ensure that our body receives all the necessary nutrients. However, the lack of time to cook and to come up with saludable form in all the committees has made it necessary to introduce some Food supplements to be able to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need.

But, What are your dietary supplements? How does it work? Are you effective? Continuation damos respond to all these questions.

What are your dietary supplements?

Food supplements, like their own number, are products that they have created to complement a healthy diet. Among the most abundant ingredients of dietary supplements are minerals, vitamins, enzymes, grass acids and amino acids.

It is important to note that no son substitutes for any committee. Supplements also have as their object the supply of some nutrients which, according to current circumstances, are not consumed and, therefore, are deficient in the organism.

It is always recommended that those who consume any type of supplement consult with their doctor and that, although not their medication, excessive consumption of any type of supplement is also recommended.

When do you recommend taking food supplements?

This type of supplement should not be used without a healthy and balanced diet. They are created to prevent nutritional deficiencies given by a malnutrition in a concrete age of life. But not for the sake of habitual form and, much less for users as substitutes.

When do you recommend taking these supplements? Although the medicine is the one that needs to be determined when it is necessary to take supplements, there are some cases in which patients are strictly necessary.


During the embarrassment

All the women who were embarrassed to have had a supplement to folic acid (vitamin B9) to prevent a deficit. The failure of public action during the embarrassment is related to development problems in the fetus and with a mayor risk of defects in the neutral tube. It is therefore that, in addition to the supplement, it is recommended to increase food intake.

However, during the embarrassment, Sanidad recommends taking extra supplements and iron to prevent a possible anemia and guarantee a correct cerebral palsy.

In the third edad

During the journey, it is important to pay special attention to the diet to follow the different vitamins that are present. The amount of some medicines has a lower capacity for absorption of vitamins and nutrients, you can make sure that you take a dietary supplement if necessary.

It will be the doctor who determines what supplements will be based on the results of your analysis. Normally it is difficult to recite the vitamin B12 which is related to the protection of the brain.


If a vegetarian diet can be very complete, then it should be noted that in this type of diet no way to obtain vitamin B12 in the diet of animal origin. It is because of that that the people who do not consume any food of animal origin need to take the supplement of vitamin B12.

On the other hand, it is also advisable to add an extra layer of calcium or iron. However, although the diet is varied and rich in all types of ingredients, it will not be necessary. Be like yourself, consult with your doctor.

Do the supplements work?

Although not all supplements that have a fashion base have a scientific basis, the majority of them, especially those recommended by doctors, work. It is therefore always recommended that, in case of need of supplementation, consult a physician and comment on your specific situation. Based on your medical history and the results of the analysis, you will not need any type of dietary supplement.
