How did Maluma get into trouble with narcotics?

How did Maluma get into trouble with narcotics?


The Colombian singer Maluma disrupts the silence about the angular signs with the narcotics.

Maluma dismisses the silence regarding the rumors that ascertain that as much as his family has tens with the drug trafficking. The signs against the songwriter and the members of his family are related to the economic position that his father had when he was only an adolescent.

In an exclusive interview with Nicky Jam for the podcast “The Rock Star Show”, Maluma dismissed the first acts: “I think that my family is addicted to drugs and that narcotics has supported my musical career. Obvio todo eso fue mentira, pero muchas cosas se spececulan y se hablan y uno está aqui para dejar las cosas claras ”.

The Colombian music continues to remind us that the economic advances of its father endured when he was ten years old at the age of 14: “Everything was done on the floor, my dad was awake and had a very difficult time, but he always said so lo soja gracias a eso. Alli fue cuando yo empecé a valorar mucho más la vida ”.

THE ROCKSTAR SHOW By Nicky Jam 🤟🏽 – Maluma | Chapter 1🤟🏽The Rockstar Show – Maluma Maluma has a big sus inicios, his projects, his best experiences and about what comes to his career … What is your favorite part? Mira miss more recent videos POLVO ▶ ️ ▶ ️ MUÉVELO ▶ ️ ▶ ️ Listen to the best urban music on these Urla playlists 🚩 playlist? list = PLBtPX1ovBlIAHf_P8a1ih66QnPmNWMHT0 Reggaeton Nuevo …2021-01-23T17: 00: 11Z

On the other hand, it is interpreted as the economic position of its ancestor being debated in its labor as a guarantor of various “important companies” of Colombia, which allow the enjoyment of a comfortable style of life in its native Medellin.

In his conversation with Jam, Maluma detailed that he made his abuels what the ayudaron had to do while going on many occasions not tenian to come. Asimismo, mentions that between his most difficult things to recover the child is buried in his memory in his mother’s house by not having money to buy it at his house.

The musician of 27 years admits in the podcast “The Rock Star Show” which initiates in the music industry fueron very difficult and that many people trust him with his talent. Pese a los fuertes afafíos que enfrentó, el colombiano puntualizó que nunca perdi lósperanza de triunfar en su faceta comant cantante.

According to his official biography, Maluma said that his father (Luis Londoño) was initially unanimous in his decision to sing, it was debated that he had a lot of dedication to football to the length of his nieces and nephews, because he had to quit an exitoso futbolista and no un cantante de reguetón. Some time ago, his progenitor supported his decision and was present at the most important moments of his career as an artist.

Maluma: How much is your fortune in the news?

Celebrity Net Worth announces that Maluma’s fortune is rising to 12 million dollars for its consolidated musical career launched in 2012 with the launch of its debut album “Magic”.

Forbes reports that the Colombian artist made a $ 600 million deal to show off a large number of world-class musicals, which he collected in one of the most lucrative songs by the 30-year-old.

In the wake of his artistic career, Maluma has collaborated with great personalities of music like Shakira, Madonna and Jennifer López.

Songs sung in Spain, the young man joins the English market and his impact can be reflected in invitations from big companies like “Calvin Klein” that he incentivizes to form one of his most recent advertising campaigns.

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