How can you make the most of your barrier? (Medio Ambiente) :: RSE Compromise

23/03/2021 08:20:57 The creation of sustainable cities and communities is one of the goals of the planet drawn by the Objective of the Sustainable Desarroll. There is a need to balance a balance between sustainable urban areas and the need for these spaces to reflect other essential factors such as the health and well-being of people living. It is worth noting that more than the average population lives high in cities and that, although it occupies only 3% of the world, it represents 60 to 80% of energy consumption and at least 70% of them carbon emissions.

The great impact of the cities on the health of the planet and, for that matter, on the health of the people, is given that there are many entities and companies that, like Sanitas, impulse projects to increase the number of green spaces that generate an impact posito sober las ciudades, reducen su huella de carbono, y protegen el medio ambiente con el objectivet de proteger también el bienestar de los ciudadanos.

“Sanitas has been in the market for a number of initiatives that are helping to compensate for the carbon footprint generated by our activity. As such, we can claim that 100% of the electricity consumed by the renewable energy company, and that in the last 10 years, we have been able to reduce CO emissions2 at 70% ”, explains Yolanda Erburu, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer and Director-General of Fundación Sanitas. “Business companies are pioneering in this type of initiative, but we can also help to keep our employees and users close to the need that we have to apply similar measures in this day and in the midst of the well-being of others. planet is also a contribution to personal health ”.

To log a more sustainable and sustainable business, it needs the collaboration of all, because Sanitas has received a series of recommendations that will help the communities of owners, barriers and small towns to make the most of their business.

  • Energy renewable. Each has its own communities of owners who are alien to incorporate photovoltaic panels into their editions. The most important benefit of using a total energy that avoids CO emissions2, in addition to a rebate on the bill of light to generate energy for self-consumption.
  • Solar lamps. This type of light is charged during the day with solar incidence, and you can read it until you have six hours of illumination at night. It directly uses solar energy, minimizes electricity consumption, while promoting other benefits such as limiting luminaire contamination. They are perfect for installing in patios or private gardens.
  • Urban town. This practice, which has gained traction in the last few years, is helping to generate a mediocre mayoral conscience while ensuring car consumption and the care of the world. In addition, there is a way of giving us space in some urban areas that are being designed. There are some associations that promote the use of space in the cities for this end. An example of urban health is also the cultivation zones that we inhabited in the mayors’ residences of Sanitas that also complement a therapeutic function to potentiate autonomy and memory.
  • Green zones. However, with the huertos, those areas are less used by the communities or the barriers can be the perfect place to build a plantation of native species. Urban gardens and forests help in the regeneration of the air, as well as regulate the temperature and humidity of the cities, which, in turn, significantly increase the health of the people. This is the reason why Sanitas is collaborating with the Bosque Metropolitano of Madrid, where it has been converted into the first company that has donated years that improve the health of the Madrileans.
  • Alternative to private car. On occasions, private transportation is abused for convenience or costume purposes. Investigate vehicles that can be used as coaches, bicycles or electric pads for replacement parts that contribute to the reduction of contaminant emissions. If it is possible, it is always recommended to move to a pie, since, in addition, limiting contamination is a salutary habit that requires an active asset.
  • Car part. This concept promotes a movement that is taking place in other European countries every year. It is necessary to share a car with other children who are doing similar things at the time of going to work or taking the children to college. Thanks to this system, moving vehicles are reduced, which directly reduces the reduction in contamination.
  • Organic material recycling. However, it has not been implanted in any of the Spanish municipalities, all of which are supported by the recycling of organic residues, with which they can make compost, with which they subscribe to green zones. But this initiative has nothing to do with being solicited solely by the Administrations, meaning that any community of vecinos or particular can implement its own proposal to include organic residues such as commodities, frames or inclusive, paper towels. It is a natural and highly effective subscription.
