How can you have a nice Rottweiler at home? | Sociedad | La Revista

Aside from its physical characteristics, the Rottweiler is considered one of the most potentially dangerous birds in the majority of world landscapes.

Robust context, great strength and great teeth, the rottweiler is one of the breeds that can intimidate more than one. Since the antiquity has been cataloged this time as one of the ideas for trainers from the cachors to play and inspire them and finally it is encapsulated as a PPP (possibly potentially ugly) in various parts of the world.

The history data that these horses that has its origins in ancient Rome, fue initially created to pasture the whole y cuidarlo de otras especies amenazantes; también was used to draw the carnets of the carnices. Although it is aesthetically pleasing, it has an aggressive image, its character recovers qualities such as age, passion and obedience.

In respect of the myths about whether it is an animal fostered for a familiar entourage, the equatorial veterinarian of the Clinique Veterinaria Animalopolis and expert in this breed, Glenda Sánchez Ycaza ensures that ten rottweilers in the house do not represent an extreme breed, and explain that all depends on the relationship you have between the animal and its owner.

“Yes, a murder of this animal because of its power can be mortal”, double Sánchez, “without embarrassment everything is in creation”, year. The specialist explains that this breed needs to be taken care of in a different way, the small breeds, in addition insist that the owners of a rottweiler should treat their mascots with mayor empathy and work on the interaction of these animals with other animals cachorros.

In the National Regulations of the Tenencia and Manejo Responsable de Perros, issued in February 2009, indicates that in order for a person to hold a PPP race, as the Rottweiler or his crosses, the owner must hold various requisites; between them being a mentally stable person to obtain a tenancy license.

Although this breed is potentially dangerous, as the veterinarian indicates, it is not because of its size and strength. Además assures that it is not a specific species of the breed, and that the rottweilers do not have a tendency to aggression without embarrassment, if the animal is not in good conditions of creation and attack, it has a murder that can result in seriousness, su mordida nunca sera de la misma gravadad que la de un perro de tamaño pequeño.

A murder of rottweiler supera a la de pitbull.

To create this race, the expert recommends the owners have security at the moment to educate the cachorro, brindarles cariño and positive discipline; it is said that hay that avoids the physical castigos and more well he should have to estimate the premiums. These dogs do not have to live in stressful situations, as they do in adultery or marriage; tampoco careser de comfort porque sus temores e inseguridades pueden desarrollarse en agresividad. (I)
