How can I get a United States tourist visa? – CENTURY – International

El Consulado de la Embajada de los United States in the land of lamentation this Wednesday, in a virtual conversation, the dissemination in capacity and affections that has kept the pandemic under the management of solicitudes de visado. Sondeverbod, afirmó que mantiene la atención al public estadounidense y residente en Colombia both strict biosecurity measures.

(Here: What do you need to apply for a work visa in the United States?)

Visa tourist

If you want to travel to the United States by vacant people, these are the steps that need to be followed.

First, diligenciar el form DS 160 online, following the following link Once upon a time there was a list imprimirlo to be presented at the interview.

Second, ask for it with the Embajada. How to apply for a visa must pay a share of 160 dollars. You can do internet work with a Visa or MasterCard card, or in person at Helm Bank. All quotes are programmed on the portal:

Tercero, assist in the office of the Consulate. It is necessary to present the independent slides, one for the photo and dactyl sheets in the CAS Solicitors Attention Center, en la Cl 26 No. 92 – 32, Connecta – Gold 4, Primer Piso Lado Occidental, y el otro para la interview with the Consul which will study the application in Cr 45 No 24B – 27, Pos 2, Bogotá.

The interviewer had to leave his passport, on the document of identification national, the impression of the form DS 160 and one photo receive a color of five by five centimeters with white background. It is also important to present documents that help demonstrate the benefits of employee, financieros, y familiares of Colombia.

To the people who want to apply for a visa tourist if it is recommended to do with the mayor brevedad posible, ya que the list of hopes extends hasta 2022.

Priority in visa

The officials of Consulate of the Embassy of the United States inform that in the visa department for immigrant Priority will be given to parent-child processes and benefits of urban housing, as well as permanent resident families in Anglo-Saxon countries and cities.

In the case of visas for no immigrants, the priority is in case of emergency, which is revised case by case to ascertain the urgency of the requirement. These are the sums solicitudes por work o study.

(Además: Can I get an EE visa? UU. Did I get more permission?)

Approval without interview

One of the issues that is being raised is that during the pandemic the Department of State of the United States will have the authority of the Consulate to adjudicate show his interview, about everything in the visa renewal which coincides with the following requirements:

  1. The visa that will be renewed at the same time type than the previous
  2. What the person resides in Colombia currently
  3. What the visa to renovate is unlimited and probe limited
  4. What the person did not change his name Biographical data
  5. What visa to renovate or connect annotations
  6. What person does not have one cancel o rechazo recent visa
  7. What the visa to renovate has not been reported as lost o robada

In the specific case of students who need to renew their visa, the requirements are as follows in the same educational program as is found in the same institution if you have a program change.

(También: Conozca los requisitos que exige EE. UU. Para sacar la visa en 2021)

Limited and tourism

Officials clarify that currently only there is a restriction for the region and is for the persons who have been in Brazil for the previous 14 days with his application to enter the United States. These persons will not be able to obtain the right of entry into the country.


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