How Ariel processed the atom for a new decade

Since 2000, the Ariel Atom has been the ultimate expression of the simplification and addition of lightness. The uncompromising Atom has always been designed to offer driving experience in the first place, sacrificing all sorts of convenience to create a light, mid-engined car that looks more like a kart than any other road or race car produced in the past half-century. Times have changed, however, and the Atom has been forced to change with them. The result is the Atom 4, a new effect on the core concept that brings almost a decade of improvements to a car that has not been refreshed since 2008. How does a car built in simplicity handle a decade’s steps in the modern world?

This is the question that YouTube channel SavageGeese brought to Ariel’s North American factory in Virginia. As a previous owner of an Atom 3S, the first impression of the reviewer is the visible improvements: streamlined aerodynamics, a modern digital dashboard and a wider, more comfortable interior. Along the way, however, the changes became greater. While the Atom 3S felt a bit sketchy, it describes the 4 as easier to drive and more confident in a straight line, under brakes and in the corner.

These improvements also provide a much smoother driving experience with track cuts. As he is more comfortable with speed, the judge notes that the average driver can push the Atom 4 much further without the fear that the shaky Atom 3S penetrates under the brake and on the corner.

As he sees it, the Atom 4 is a much better car than the Atom 3S. However, the purpose of the Atom was never to be a good car, it was to build a lightweight, analog experience that can communicate all wonderfully about the simple performance cars of the past. The 4 is Atom faster, more comfortable and easier to drive than the 3S it replaces, but while it is still the hardest car on the road, it is a better way to make a car like the Ariel Atom. car built around an inconspicuous vision.

Yet it’s an open-top 320-horsepower, mid-wheel-drive car with a manual transmission and an analog philosophy that connects it directly to the road like anything else in its price segment. If you are looking for simplicity and lightness, nothing else is simpler or lighter at a retailer today.

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