House Republican pleads for Pence, Trump helps outline January 6 uprising

In Herrera Beutler’s account, McCarthy urged Trump to turn off the mob, to which Trump initially responded that he could not because it was made up of left-wing extremists – a lie uncovered by federal investigators.

When McCarthy refutes Trump, the former president replies, “Well, Kevin, I think these people are more upset about the election than you are,” according to Herrera-Beutler.

The comments are further evidence supporting the case that the House had during the Senate hearing – that Trump ignored his allies’ pleas to deny the rioters and demanded that they go home. Rather, he argues that he was more interested in continuing to find ways to delay the certification of Joe Biden’s victory as president that day.

Herrera Beutler’s anecdotes join Senator Tommy Tuberville’s revelation that he had informed Trump directly at about 2:15 p.m. on January 6 that Pence had been evacuated from the Senate a few minutes earlier. At 14:24, Trump tweeted an attack on Pence, saying he did not have ‘courage’ because he refused to unilaterally block Biden’s victory.

It is unclear whether Herrera Beutler’s requests will have any impact just hours before the Senate is expected to complete its trial and vote.

Late Friday, a Democratic senator cited the revelations of McCarthy and Tuberville as a reason to possibly ‘suspend’ the indictment and ask for testimony from both Republican lawmakers.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (DR.I.) said House executives could also ask the “Secret Service to produce for review, back to the White House on VP Pence security during siege. What did Trump know, and when did he know it?” No other Democratic senators have so far explicitly called for these steps.

The nine House Democrats prosecuting the case against Trump have not yet indicated whether they want to call witnesses, though senators from both parties expected the trial to end without any additional evidence and move quickly to closing arguments and voting.

Trump’s lawyers claimed that Trump was ‘terrified’ by the violence at the Capitol and acted quickly to respond to it, claiming that it contradicted the memories of numerous Trump allies and his own public statements on the day of the riots.

Herrera Beutler has been telling the McCarthy story since last month, also to her local newspaper, but it went largely unnoticed and was not mentioned in the court’s indictment against Trump that ended Thursday.
