House passes the police reform law named after George Floyd

The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a police reform bill banning strangleholds and revamping qualified immunity protection for officers.

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, HR 1280, passed 220 to 212 – although a Republican representative said he accidentally voted yes and changed the official record to reflect his opposition.

Republican Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, tweeted that he had pressed the wrong button and accidentally voted for the bill.

A version of the bill was passed last year but got stuck in the then Republican-controlled Senate. The House bill passed Wednesday night must still go to the Senate, where it needs at least ten Republican votes for passage.

The bill is named after Floyd, the Black man who died on May 25 after a white police officer in Minneapolis knelt on his neck for minutes. The officer, Derek Chauvin, has been fired and is facing charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter. His trial and jury selection will begin Monday.

The bill would ban, among other things, neck restraints and warrants in drug cases at the federal level. It would also reform qualified immunity, which is a doctrine that makes it difficult to sue officers.

Some places have already taken such steps. Colorado ended qualified immunity last year as a defense for state court officials.

The Biden administration on Monday threw its support behind the bill. The White House said trust between law enforcers and communities could not be rebuilt unless police officers were held accountable for abuse of power.

Rep. Karen Bass, D-California, who submitted the bill, said she is confident they will be able to work with the Senate to make it pass. She said after the last bill was passed, “many of our Republican colleagues said they thought they could come to a yes on this, but they had problems.”

“One of the things that has happened over the last twelve months is that many states have progressed without us and started implementing reforms,” ​​Bass said. “So, this time, when we sit down to meet, we can talk about reforms that are already in place.”

Attorneys for the Floyd family, Benjamin Crump and Antonio Romanucci, said we were ‘very grateful and grateful’ on behalf of the family for the leadership of the House, and they asked the Senate to approve the bill.

“This is an important step forward in reforming the relationship between police officers and colored communities and placing responsibility on law enforcement officers whose conscious decisions preserve the lives or cause the deaths of Americans, including so many coloreds,” the statement said.
