Hours of abandoning Casa Blanca, Donald Trump suspends Venezuelan deportations for 18 months

Following the Trump demonstration, the situation in Venezuela “presents a permanent threat to national security” of the United States Source: AFP

CARACAS.- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, ordenó el martes bretel the deportation of some Venezuelans in the United States during 18 months, debit to the conditions that will attract the South American country.

In one of its last decisions in the cargo, the Republican mandate concedes the benefit of the Salida Forzosa Diferida (DED in English) to the Venezuelans ante “Venezuela’s backyard situation” provoked by the “autocratic governor” of Nicolás Maduro, following a memorandum published by the White House.

“It has been determined that it is in the interests of the foreign policy of the United States to postpone the eviction of any national of Venezuela, the foreigner without nationality who has ultimately resided habitually in Venezuela,” Trump said.

Some Venezuelans, including those who committed a serious crime, are present at the order. The text indicates that it will be readable on DED quienes hayan estado en Estados Unidos de forma continuously until the 20th of January 2021, has not been condoned in any way or previously issued by the country, does not represent a risk to public safety, in other conditions.

Trump too order authorize the employee in the country of the Venezuelans meanwhile the applause.

The medium has side impulses by the Republican aliados of the president in Florida, donde many venezolanos se han asentado after the economic collapse and the political crisis in his native country, the government lasted for more than two decades under a socialist regime.

The Miami Herald is just that the order could benefit up to 200,000 Venezuelans which viven bajo amenage of detention and deportation.

Venezuela, unleashing a petrol potential, is witnessing an economic debacle from the Maduro Legacy in 2013, a situation that has provoked the health of more than 5.4 million people, according to the UN.

Agencia Reuters and AP

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