Kaiser Permanente is delaying non-urgent and elective surgeries and procedures in California as its hospitals – like healthcare systems across the country – continue to face an overwhelming onslaught of critically ill COVID-19 patients.
The statement remains in effect until Jan. 10 in Kaiser’s Southern California region and Jan. 4 in Northern California, according to health care consortium statements.
In Southern California, Kaiser also does not plan new electoral operations until the end of January.
The return of less urgent procedures is needed, officials said Monday, “to respond to the current and predicted increase in COVID-19 cases” and to set up free staff “to focus on supporting COVID-19 care . “
Cancer-related surgeries will continue, as well as procedures in “any situation in which the postponement of an operation will have a negative effect on the patient’s medical condition, including pain,” officials said in a statement.
“We understand and realize the potential for patient concern, but believe that these necessary steps will help us to ensure that we can still have the capacity and staff available to provide high quality care to our members, while also in the meet current needs and prepare for the continuing increase in the number of COVID-19 patients during this boom, ”reads the statement from Kaiser Permanente Southern California.
Delay procedures are one of the tools that healthcare providers have at their disposal to emphasize their systems.
The latest, virulent surge of COVID-19 is exerting more pressure than ever before.
“Sixteen of our 36 hospitals are already more than 100% in our ICUs,” Greg Adams, chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, told a news conference last week. “We are struggling to add capacity for COVID patients as we speak.”
In addition to delaying some procedures, hospitals across the country have already been forced to take other steps to challenge the control of COVID-19 patients – such as keeping patients in ambulances for hours until space is available and some patients who normally in the ICU to other parts of the hospital.
However, these measures can only go so far, and health officials warn that capacity is not only limited by physical space, but also by the scarcity of trained staff.
“As the number of beds in the hospital continues to decline, we simply will not be able to keep up if the COVID surge continues to increase,” Adams said.
If the medical system is too overwhelmed and overburdened, officials warn that there are not enough staff or resources to provide critical care to all who need it, which significantly increases the chances of patients dying.
In extreme circumstances, hospitals may be forced to ration – with doctors no longer doing everything in their power to save a life, but rather concentrating on the way resources and equipment can be best used.
Huntington Hospital in Pasadena is now warning in an information sheet for patients and their families about the grim possibility.
If the situation ‘comes to a point that our hospital has a shortage that will affect our ability to care for all patients’, officials wrote, then a clinical committee consisting of doctors, a member of the community , a bioethicist, a spiritual care provider and other experts. “Will review the cases of all critically ill patients” and “make the necessary decisions regarding the allocation of limited medical resources based on the best medical information possible, and will use the same decision criteria used in all patient cases nationally and throughout California . ”
“It deflates the bed staff to the bed to make decisions about the treatment of scarce resources, and rather delegates it to a committee that will follow an ethical framework for decision-making,” hospital officials added in a statement Monday. ‘It is important that no one makes a care decision and that the committee does not provide information about patient race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship, insurance or any other information not related to the patient’s health.
“We are, as always, committed to providing compassionate care to all and thank our frontline health workers, doctors and staff who help run our hospital,” the statement said.
The worst wave of the coronavirus pandemic is around the corners of California.
As of Sunday, the latest day for which full data is available, there were 19,766 coronavirus-positive patients hospitalized across the country – an all-time high and 45% more than two weeks ago.
Of those patients, 4,228 were in intensive care, also a record.
In light of all the unprecedented numbers of COVID-19 patients, health officials fear a surge of infections due to the travel and gatherings during the Christmas season.
The COVID-19 patients who are in the hospital now reflect cases of coronavirus that were diagnosed two weeks earlier. This means that hospitals are expected to continue to see increasing demand in the new year due to infections that occurred in early December.
Any Christmas outage would take weeks to fully assess, but officials warned that the health care system did not happen with another boom, such as after Thanksgiving.
Unfortunately, government officials said Monday they think there is likely to be another increase in the holiday season.
“We definitely expect the middle of January to be a pretty difficult time in our hospitals, where the cases this week and next are really starting to pile up – affecting the emergencies, our hospital wards and our ICU spaces,” said Dr. . Mark Ghaly, secretary of health and human services, said in California.
Earlier this month, the state imposed strict restrictions on businesses and activities in hopes of stopping the racketeering.
Although the wave of new cases of coronavirus has continued to swell since then, officials have noted that the rate of increase, coupled with the number of new coronavirus-related hospitalizations, appears to be in many areas.
“We now see that a majority of states are experiencing a new plateau admission in the hospital … in fact, the growth rate is starting to slow down, with one major exception – and that is Southern California,” Gov. Newsom said Monday. as The counties of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino still report heavy infection rates.
LA County, the most populous state in the country, is of particular concern. Hospitals there have already reported critically overcrowded conditions, patients having to wait hours in ambulances and doctors and nurses working too much.
In light of the crisis, Newsom said the state is sending a new team to be built in LA County “to encourage cargo suspension and encourage greater coordination between hospitals.”
“The routine care of emergencies is being delayed,” Newsom said. ‘If you think it’s not affecting you, if you somehow think you’re immune to the impact of COVID: there’s the direct impact, and that’s the transmission of this virus. There is the indirect impact: God forbid, you have a stroke or a heart attack, you have a car accident or other acute care needs. The impact of this virus, this pandemic, is being felt throughout the hospital system. ”
According to the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center, the situation reached a “massive crisis” on Sunday night, according to Dr. Brad Spellberg.
There was no single bed available for at least 30 patients in need of intensive or mid-level care, Spellberg said, and the hospital had to close its doors to all ambulance traffic for 12 hours.
Some patients, including some who were very ill and in need of intensive oxygen, experienced waiting times of as long as 18 hours.
“We were just completely overwhelmed,” Spellberg said, adding that the hospital is trying to “forge daily, hourly solutions to get us through this crisis.”
The conditions in the hospital – one of the largest trauma centers in the Western USA – have gradually deteriorated since Thanksgiving, with an average of 10 new COVID-19 patients arriving daily.
According to Spellberg, as of Monday, the hospital had about 240 COVID-19 patients in all parts of the hospital, which was almost twice as many as the previous surge in July.
And the expected ‘Christmas bump’ has not even started yet.
“When you walk into the ICU and see every bed occupied by a ventilated COVID patient, with tubes coming into all openings of their body, you begin to understand that we are not dealing with what we were dealing with ten months ago. had to do, “Spellberg said.
Four of the five defined regions of California – Southern California, the Bay, San Joaquin Valley and Greater Sacramento – are under a state-driven home order and subject to restrictions such as reduced capacity at stores; the closure of some businesses, including hair salons, nail salons, card rooms, museums, zoos and aquariums; and a ban on most gatherings, hotel accommodation for tourism and outdoor restaurants.
These orders, which are put in place if the ICU availability of a region drops below 15%, have a mandatory lifespan of three weeks. Thereafter, it may be lifted depending on the expected hospital conditions in the near future.
Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley reached their minimum of three weeks Monday. As both regions have not been available on their intensive care units for more than a week, officials said they fully expect the orders to be extended.
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