Hospitals colapsan and Brazil is a plan coronary coronavirus

Brazilian hospitals are collapsing while a coronavirus variant that is highly contagious extends beyond the country, the president insists on treatment and the sole intention to create a national plan to contain COVID-19 has been shortened.

During the last week, Brazilian governors have been trying to do something that the president, Jair Bolsonaro, has unequivocally said: make a proposal so that the states help to free the most lethal broth from the virus to kill it. It is hoped that the effort will include a token of this, the prohibition of multidisciplinary events and limits the hours in which the essential services can be operated.

The final product, presented by the markets, was a document of a page that included a general support for the restriction of activity without any specific means. Seis gobernadores, todavía temerosos de enfrentarse a Bolsonaro, se negaron a firmarlo.

The state of Piauí, Wellington Dias, told The Associated Press that, while the pressure on hospitals is increasing, there are more patients tending to be hospitalized than in a hospital without the hope of receiving treatment in a hospital. unit of intensive care.

Hemos llegado al limite en todo Brasil; raras son las exceptions “, afirmó Dias, que dirige el foro de gobernadores.” The possibility of dying without help is real “.

Esos decesos ya han comenzado. In the richest region of Brazil, Sao Paulo, at least 30 patients are dying for a place at the UCI, following an account published on Wednesday by the G1 news website. In Santa Catarina, in the south of the country, 419 people hope to be transferred to a hospital in an intensive care unit, and in the Río Grande do Sul neighborhood, UCIs account for 106% of its capacity.

Alexandre Zavascki, physician at the capital of Río Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, describes the constant flow of patients with breathing problems.

“We have many companions who, in times, want to lose. This is not the medicine that is practiced by practitioners. This is a medicine adapted for a war scenario “, says Zavascki, who supervises the treatment of infectious diseases in a private hospital.” We see that a good part of the population is not going to see what is wrong with it, it is resistant to these people. These people can be near a hospital and close their beds. Pero no habrá ninguna “.

The country, aggregated, needs “more rigid means” from local authorities.

‘N Pesar de les objeciones del presidente, el Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil confirig – la jurisdiction de las ciudades y los estados para impress beperkings a la actividad. However, Bolsonaro has been constantly monitoring its movements, alleging that the economy needed to take action and that Islam was causing depression. The mediators are related to the final of 2020, when the infections and deaths by COVID-19 descend, the campaign is initiated for the municipal and Brazilian elections that will be held in the case of quarantine.

The last point is impulsed by variant P1, which says the Minister of Health of the country the most passed, is three times more transmissible than the original. It is predominantly the first in the Amazonian city of Manaos, and in another it is obligatory to translate air to patients in other regions.

The Brazilian fracture in the time to contain the virus of entones is in each case as a pre-occupation only by its Latin American vecins, also as an ad for the world, signaled the director of the World Health Organization (OMS) , Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at a press conference on March 5.

“In the context of the country, the aggressive use of public health media, social media, will be very, very important,” he said. “Do things that have an impact on the transmission of the virus, do not believe it can have a tendency to swim in Brazil “.

The more than 10 miles of casualties reported last week in Brazil took place on the market from the beginning of the pandemic, and the content of this week in the truck includes more than half as many as 2,300 decesos registered on Wednesday. the record of the previous day.

“Governors, as much as the people, are hard at work,” said Margareth Dalcolmo, a neonatologist at the Fiocruz Institute of State Management. The pacto propoesto is vague and will be symbolic even if it has a great deal of controversy and confrontation with the federal government, aggregate.

The National Council of State Ministers of Health picks up last week the establishment of a token in all countries and quarantines in regions where hospital capacity is near its maximum. One more time, Bolsonaro object.

“It’s not decreed,” the politician signaled in an act on the moon.

The restrictions will be notarized on the exterior of the Presidential Palace, where the Governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, has implemented a quadrant and a partial confinement. Rocha warned on March that it was possible to increase the restrictions, excluding only pharmacies and hospitals, if the people did not comply with the standards. Currently, the list of hopes to occupy a bed at a UCI in the region is 213 people.

Bolsonaro told reporters on Monday that the toque de queda was “an afrente, inadmissible” and that including the OMS created that the confinements were not due to a manner of disproportionate to the poor. negative effects ”of this medium, signal that some nations have no more option than impressive mediums are very strict to slow down the contagios, and the goblins need to maximize the additional time to try and restore cases.

Este matiz se le escapo a Bolsonaro. His governing body is looking for multilayered solutions that at the moment he does not serve for more than to feed the false hopes. Any idea seems to be worth considering, except for the experts in public health.

Bolsonaro’s governor has spent millions producing and distributing anti-malarial lozenges, which in rigorous studies will show no benefit. Sondeverbod, the president responded to this medicine. We also support the treatment of pharmacists to combat the parasites, none of the animals have demonstrated their effectiveness. The mercols wanted to praise his ability to avoid hospitalizations during an act in the presidential palace.

Bolsonaro also sent a committee to Israel this week to evaluate a nasal spray without trying to classify it as a “milk product”. Dalcolmo, who is a German member of a UCI, describes the journey as “really pathetic”.

Camila Romano, researcher at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo, hopes that the test is underway in his laboratory to identify pre-existing variants, including P1, to monitor and control its propagation. Además, pide medidas más strictas del gobierno y que los ciudadanos cumplan su parte.

“Every day has a new surprise, a new variant, a city with a collapse system”, Romano says. “We are in the phase phase. If it is the phase phase, (because) unfortunately we do not know what it is to come “.
