Horoscope of Tauro – Weddings March 24, 2021 | Tauro Horoscopes

This day you will feel embarrassed and possibly with a strange inconsistency, quiz is already experiencing some situation that is related to a necessary transformation, no topics are good moment to take this help to life.

Debes knows that it is time to pick up the fruits of labor that are high in the past, be good or bad, depending on the type of labor that is realized. It’s the energy of Saturn in quadrature with Urano.

Being a valued impulse to value and receive the fruit of your past actions, to evaluate what has happened well and badly, to relive the aspects in which it has gone.

It’s a good time to move the bar to clear. It’s the good energy that Saturn’s triggers with the ascendant.

There is a good aspect to love, quizzes with some emotional conflicts and humorous changes in the opposition of the Moon with Mercury, but emotions will pass through the Luna rapidly advancing.


It is recommended to take a lot of water and be dependent on the reins, because the sign of Libra does not go to house 6 the house of health and energy that can be concentrated in this part of the body. This sign shows the process of detoxification of the body.

Your initiative in the initiative is slow, because now the ideas are much longer in reality, but a person who initiates has no one to share. You can capitalize on this energy because of uranium in the sign of Tauro can be a very powerful combination.

His romantic relationships suelen ser subitas, but not always lasting. Your spouse must be your friend in addition to being your lover, in order to create a more powerful layer that will keep you longer in this relationship, because you are always looking for something deeper to tell the angle. It is the energy of Venus in the sign of Aquarius.

Labor issues do not have a lot of energy that favors the aspect of money, but on the subject of your professional success you will be well, as well, economic problems will not tend. By the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter.


There is a lack of energy

Love: Cancer, Scorpio and Fish

Amistad: Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn

Laboral: Ram, Leo, Sagitario

The day of high will be very confusing, with changes of humor that no one understands, including some depressed and solitary. Do not act in an impulsive manner in order not to cause any conflict. Pluto’s energy is up to the Moon in case 8 the case of the losses.

