Horoscope of Piscis – Domingo March 21st, 2021 | Piscis Horoscopes

Hoy domingo 21 de marzo Tienes la Luna en trigono Venus. The harmony of these energies is one of the most beautiful qualities that are very appealing. The amiability, dulzura and spirits altruistic hacen de ti a person of very upgradeable treat.

Many people appear to be quite stupid, but your intuition is very undefeated.

The cupboard of love also belongs to the Luna, with its double load of very market inconsistency, so it is not very good for this house, there are plenty of couple choices.


Leo is in the case of the salud, the cual gobierna the espalda, cuidarla is very important, ya que es donde se accumulate the estres and duele por el cansancio.

In the case of work is the Sun, the source of the force and the necessary vigor to develop your work, unless it is physical.

Esta bajo Maagd, que tiende a la critique, a fijarse en los detalles y nada se le olvida. Sacrifice the accumulation of disgust is what affects the relationship. Avoid this product if you have to.

Aries’ finances are dominated, and there is a tendency to decline in some business decisions affecting your economy. Lo bueno es que se aprende de todo, bueno y malo.


Amistad: Cancer, Leo and Virgo

Laboral: Leo, Cancer and Sagittarius

The high heel in particular requires a treatment that eliminates all the accumulated pain.

Hablando with a spirit, part 2
