Horoscope of Pisces – Saturday, April 10, 2021 | Piscis Horoscopes

Tienes a Marte in trigono with Jupiter, lo cual is a combination in harmony and that is supported mutuamente, con lo cual tieen a magnificent combination que te da nobleza de corazón, valentía, y entusiasmo en lo que crees y haces.

It has a very strong day, with a very strong character, endowed with the best characteristics of the energies that he and he accompany, all that he leads to success,

Ties to Pisces in the house of love, with your ability to be complacent, you want a dedicated couple, that you try to make happy who you love.


Holds Aries in the case of health, governs the teeth and their imbalances, as for example, nurses, caries, gingivitis or halitosis.

In the case of work, it’s the energy of March, the one that takes care of what it does, resulting in an orderly and very appreciative worker. But if jefatura tienes procure not to be a tyrant jefe, you can remember that not all tiens have the energy tan alta

The case of the formal couple is both Capricornio, the one for the moment, to be indifferent to your couple, are not contributing to the permanence, then every one knows this activity, the good is that he has reflexive también and is to help a darte cuente de lo que estas haciendo mal par corrregirlo.

The finances are both the dominion of your Sagittarius and the one you can help to see without all the seriousness of the financial helpers, even if you have to be in balance and also you need to enjoy life with what you can and should pay to work hard and constantly work .


Amor: Tauro, Virgo, Capricornio

Amistad: Cancer, Capricornio and Virgo

Laboral: Leo, Cancer and Sagittarius

To prevent dental ailments they need to fill their teeth 3 days a day, use regular dental hygiene, smoke and reduce coffee (eat the esmalte), consume a balanced diet and visit the dentist for revision and limping two years a year.

Haunted Latinoamérica – La casa maligna
