Horoscope of February 7, 2021 | Do not like the guard with Mercury retrograde | Horoscopes

This position affects all the elements, but in particular and one more point in the signs of Aire, because Mercurio is employed in the constellation of Aquarius, as well as more careful Gemini, Libra and Acuario.

Covered with the written and written communication, piensen well antes de hablar y también antes de textear, revised bien sus mensajes, no vayan a tener algún Problem.

For the signs of Fuego, Ram, Leo, Sagitario: The Moon is both the Sagittarius constellation, it is expected that reactions will take place in the same way as they form part of it; tiendes a mezclarte con ellos ya fundirte en ellos. Necessity and desire to do everything with the world, you love and love. Careful, this aspect also has to be continued.


If your element is Tierra, Tauro, Virgo, Capricorn you have a great motivation, you can be very powerful and the best that you will use in a positive way, Pluto is in a trigon with your Ascendant, it is a very positive energy and will make you the best of this great planet.

Elemental Water: If the position of Venus in Aquarius is soldered to alivianará this stage of solteria, and the position of Venus in the sign of Aquarius, more than looking for a pair to love, looking for many friends, in order to want one can want to know a lot, so approve this position of Venus.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarium, Air element, sigan controlling his cells, his obstacle and his control, but being in the case of the constellation of Scorpio, avoids an inconsistent conflict.
