Horoscope of February 4, 2021 | Geen see demasiado generous, mídete | Horoscopes

Water and Air Signs, Cancer, Escorpio y Piscis, Géminis, Libra y Acuario, la luna está en Escorpio en quadratura con Júpiter en Acuario, y esto los hace emotivamente expansivos, a menudo demasiado generosos y, a veces, engañados.

Be careful! Traten de medir su forma de entregar amor y recuerden: Ni todo el amor, ni todo el dinero.

Work hard to log your goals, Ram, Leo y Sagitario, the success is yours and your companions will recognize it, leaving all the medals that can be won. Approve the constellation of Aries and saca toda the positive energy of the sign of Carnero, avoid inquiring into labor and family problems.


If your element Tierra (Tauro, Virgo and Capricorn), it’s not good at the moment to buy tickets of any indole, avion, cinema, theater, concierto, event deportivo. Urano is going through case 5, and you can cancel any event that you buy, be careful! Invest well.

Building has to be built in a house as much as you want, it is a good moment for the construction of the interior, also you can design new spaces, if you have not planned anything concrete. Approve the genius of Uranus and want to make this project that so many teenagers.

If your element is Water, Cancer, Scorpio and Fish, hoy querrás comprar ropa linda para ti, si se vale llenar tus bolsas en el shopping, pero fíjate bien en los precios, puedes pagar de más.

Moreover, Sagittarius’ constellation does not help much to catch up, considering that it is expansive and has no limits, but, now that you know it, you have a limit.


Avoid walking around
