Horoscope of February 19, 2021 | Expressed expressions of sentiment | Horoscopes

Hoy la Luna cambia to the sign of Gemini is that it affects all the elements, especially the element Aire, Gemini, Libra. and Accuario, these signs are more interested in intimate contact.

At the moment your emotional personality will require more variety and innovation than duration and depth of sentiments, much care, Luna’s clave claw in Gemini is emotionally versatile, or infiltrated.

If your element is Tierra: Tauro, Maagd en Capricornio, Hay en aspecto que genera cuadratura, Marte en Tauro cuadratura Venus, esto hace que estés impulsivo y amoroso, expresses abiertamente tus sentimientos, pero te sientes muy herido si los demas ne te correspond, trata de no tomarte las cosas in all seriousness, and very careful not to play with the family.


Element signs Water: Cancer, Escorpio y Piscis, el Sol en Piscis is teamed with Marte, you want to be aggressive, frank, enthusiastic and combative. You like adventure and you can be prone to accidents. Covered.

If your element is Aire: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, tend to be strong powders for concentration, because Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius, tend to be a responsible activity even the people and their love with their friends. The relationships you import a lot, but you can have people who are distant and free.

It’s the Kalasarpa Yoga effect, it affects the four elements, so all Fuego; the record avoids conflicts at home and work, if you can meditate and help more people.


Ritual to celebrate what you want to do
