Horoscope for today, January 24, 2021

Your horoscope for today, January 24, 2021, is here with an astrological prediction for all zodiac signs starting this Sunday.

If you have a tender heart or like romantic movies, Sunday is your day.

There are many things to feel good about.

And if you regularly wear your heart on your sleeve, you should have tissues nearby.

The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Waterman until February 18th.

The Sun in Aquarius encourages philanthropy, humanitarian actions, scientific innovations.

RELATED: Your Zodiac Mercury Retrograde in the Aquarius Horoscope for January 30 – February 20, 2021

The moon spends another day in the zodiac sign of Gemini, where it ignites conversations and facilitates socialization for all zodiac signs.

A dose of conflict arises in the area of ​​emotional sensitivity, while the moon squares a dreamy Neptune in Pisces.

Neptune in Pisces makes it easy to put yourself in others’ shoes, but there is a risk of toxic situations.

Process your feelings while the Moon is in an air sign.

Writing or diary after saying goodbye to difficult people can be therapeutic and beneficial.
