Horoscope for today, 21 February 2021

Your horoscope for today, February 21, 2021, is here with an astrological prediction for all zodiac signs starting this Sunday.

The Sun is in the zodiac sign of Pisces until 21 March 2021.

Fishing season brings a dreamy atmosphere of the day, and without planets in fire signs, you may need to exert yourself to be motivated if you are an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius.

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The Moon will spend the day in the sign of Gemini entering Cancer, at 10:50 EST.

The moon will square Neptune, the planet of dreams, before it enters Cancer.

Good ideas can come up in disputes, so keep notes so as not to forget them.

The moon in twins will also harmonize with Venus in Aquarius, so time with others can be frivolous and easily fluid.

If you have a birthday today:

If you celebrate your birthday on February 21, you are a zodiac sign of the Pisces ruled by the planet Neptune.
