Horoscope for today 20 February 2021

Your horoscope for today, February 20, 2021, is here with an astrological prediction for all zodiac signs starting this Saturday.

The sun is in the zodiac sign of Pisces, and the moon spends the day in Gemini.

It can feel like there is a lot of chaos in our daily lives.

With Pluto, Mars and Uranus in the Earth’s signs, it is at best even shaky to feel grounded.

Mars harmonizes with transforming Pluto, so we feel these energies intensely.

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There are still planets in the air sign of Aquarius – Mercury retrograde, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.

The moon in an air sign, Gemini, which is careful – you may want to loosen up, but rather think about it.

The balance can be found while the sun and Neptune are in the water, and therefore it is a great way to follow a spiritual path and do things that go beyond your mindset.

If you have a birthday today:

If February 20 is your birthday, you’re a zodiac sign of Pisces ruled by the planet Neptune.

You are modest and gentle. You are a private person.
