Horoscope for this March 13, 2021, consult your zodiacal sign | Sociedad | La Revista

Consult the day’s horoscope for all zodiac signs.

If you are a nation today:

He is unassumingly ambitious and finds favor with his status quo. While other parishes are in disarray with some aspects of society, you accept them completely. Usted will never be called a radical in any sense of the term. The preoccupation with financial security and defending with tenure. En amor tampoco corre riesgos y le gusta una persona un un naturaleza spriggelijk a la suya.

Ram (March 21 to April 20)

Good day to do an evaluation of relationships that he has been causing problems. A person possesses great influence over his decisions.

Tauro (April 21 to May 20)

Old adventures and rivalries can finally be resolved today. Liberated synthesis. A quiet night will be the best for the harmony known.

Gemini (21 May 21 June)

New ideas on practical forms to log his ambitions. Antiguas situations son enlightened, but surgen otras new. Presta apoyo al ser amado.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23)

A breakdown in the couple will accentuate his bad humor. Investigate your feelings and treat yourself. You can be equivocada.

Leo (July 24 to August 23)

The social activities will be the center of the negotiations. Good day for the promotion. The personal relations florecen.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)

You can dedicate some of your time to an ideal or a political cause. Avoid getting angry at the demonstrated rebellious or arrogant demons. Acepte sugerencias.

Libra (September 24 to October 23)

You can show off your self-confidence with a little realistic optimism. This will be the cause of disillusionment. Use your imagination in practice.

Escorpio (October 24 to November 22)

It feels rebuilt and slightly appreciated. Take care that your emotions do not cloud your good juice and you just get it. Sus ideas no serán correctas.

Sagittarius (from 23 Nov to 21 December)

Good moment to make economic purchases, pay off debts and invest in the future. Pay your money. Tendency to host in frivolities.

Capricornio (from dic. 22 to January 20)

Its energetic activity and its great confidence must be controlled. The impulses take the lead in potentially difficult situations.

Aquarium (from January 21 to Feb. 19)

Alguien in a state of authority will be possessing a powerful influence in his decisions. His independence could be compromised.

Piscis (from February 20 to March 20)

Excellent day for entertainment and love. Possibility of a very special salida. His song and attraction are at their best. (E)
