Horizon Zero Dawn focuses on sequel to new PC patch

Horizon Zero Dawn was pretty buggy when it appeared on a computer last year. This was unfortunate, as it was the first exclusive PlayStation version to make the leap to a computer. But Guerrilla Games gradually updated it to fix all sorts of issues, and yesterday the game got its 1.10 patch, which added a few more crash fixes and performance improvements.

This patch is the start of Guerrilla delaying their HZD updates so they can shift the focus to working on the sequel to the game, Horizon Forbidden West.

‘As our team continues to develop our upcoming title Horizon Forbidden West, we’re moving to less frequent updates for Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for a PC to this patch. Note that we will be monitoring our community spaces as always! they said.

“We want to thank you all for your continued support and for submitting your accident reports in recent months. The information we received through your reports was invaluable in further investigating and resolving the more difficult issues we encountered in Patch 1.10. ‘

Oddly enough, these quotes are actually no longer on Guerrilla’s website. They were there when the post was taken into use yesterday, but it looks like it has now been removed. It’s a wonder why – it does not seem to contain particularly sensitive information. It seems like a pretty natural assumption that the Horizon team will now be working more on the sequel to the game, and I can think of no reason why they would get rid of their “thank you” to the community.

I contacted Guerrilla Games to ask why they took out the pieces but still got no response.

Horizon Forbidden West was announced in June last year and is expected to come out sometime this year. It is unclear at this time whether it will start on a computer; at the moment it looks like it will be a PlayStation scloosie.

Despite the many flaws (such as the hilarious one that accidentally made the main character Aloy a little kid forever), Nate still thought the game was brilliant in his Horizon Zero Dawn review and said, ‘This is one of the most compelling, most beautiful open world adventures ever made. ”

If you’re interested, here are the full notes for Horizon Zero Dawn’s 1.10 update:

Crash Fixes

  • Crash fix for when players are constantly pressing the Windows key
  • Crash fix for when you press the LMB on the ESC button in the benchmark results

Performance improvements

  • Fixed an issue saving up to 250 MB VRAM on all AMD GPUs

Graphic enhancements

  • Set negative values ​​in the Cuban Igniter (reset the example of the red graphic errors in the Hades battle if you run out of timer)
  • Prepare the preset name of the graphical settings that are not updated when you press Auto-Detect
  • Note that the menu (and loading screen) are displayed incorrectly when you change AF to borderless mode
  • Note that the resolution is sometimes too low in the window
  • Solve for the task list that overlaps with the list of tutorials

Other changes

  • Graphical settings are now stored in a text file instead of a binary file to facilitate customization

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