Horacio Pancheri says goodbye to Marimar Vega ¡Borra todo de ella en Instagram!

Horacio Pancheri it’s all right to share your romance with Marimar Vega, has ever been bored of the relationship of his official account of Instagram.

The surprise announcement to the fans of the couple, women who speculated about the song about the possible reasons that Horacio Pancheri y Marimar Vega ‘n terminar su relación y si podrán estar juntos nuewamente.

The question about Horacio Pancheri returning to his romance with Marimar Vega found his reply, then practically all the photos of the actress on Instagram of his ex-boyfriend have been eliminated.

The decision of the actor of “La Sombra del Pasado” appears to indicate that he who died at the end of the romance, because what is the list to follow with his life, discover new lovers and more acting actors.

Marimar Vega preserves the proof of his romance with the TV actor on Instagram

Horacio Pancheri eliminates his photos with the mania of Zuria Vega

How did Marimar Vega react to the rupture?

Unlike Horacio Pancheri, the actress also took pictures with her girlfriend on her official Instagram account, as she does not appear to be a member of the definitive party, or at least has not done so publicly.

The last photo of Marimar Vega with Horacio Pancheri published on December 25th (2020) was taken by a photo on which a happy birthday party was held. 1.2 million followers on Instagram.

The rupture of the couple was pretty much inexperienced, then, as revealed by Marimar Vega’s latest photo, we would pass along the Christmas window as we always love it.

Casi un mes despuets, Marimar Vega y Horacio Pancheri parecen tomar separate fireplaces, como te hemos revelado en La Verdad Notice, for reasons that are currently in secret.

You can be interested: Horacio Pancheri’s TATUA and honor a su novia Marimar Vega ¡OMG!

¿Crees that the rupture of Horacio Pancheri and Marimar Vega?, ¿What do you think the reason for its collapse? Dinos in the comments.

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