Hora de darle la medicina a los niños: recomendaciones para la seguridad de todos | Salud | La Revista

Do you think that the most common mistakes in medicating the nines in the case are presented with lozenges and jars for pain and fever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen?

The medicines for the sick can be complicated, explains doctor Elora Hilmas, specialist in the Clinic of the Alfred I duPont Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. Many parents are presumptive when their body needs a medicine because it can reduce the amount of time or one that is not enough to provoke secondary effects. The first recommendation she has is if you are not sure, consult with your doctor.

Especially at these times, taking care of your child at home is the best option for a fast recovery. For example, the nines that bind the flu or a frozen comrade deberían descansar mucho and beber abundant liquid (like water, jugo and kaldo) to avoid dehydration.

If he has the tapestry, the saline solutions (water salad) can dilute the nasal secretions. A free vapor humidifier or an air vaporizer can maintain the air humidity, which will help to clear the nasal congestion. “If you use a humidifier or a vaporizer, make sure you clean and secure it well every day to prevent bacteria from creeping into its interior and forming it,” Hilmas said.

To use the free medicines on sale, have them with your doctor or pharmacist. Chaired by:

  • The number of the medicine and what it is used for.
  • What is the amount of medicine, with what frequency and duration how long do you have to take it.
  • How to administer the drug: if it is ingiere, if it inhale or aspirates, if it is introduced in the eyes, the eyes or the rectum or if it is applied to the skin.
  • Any special indication, as if the drug should be taken with its foods.
  • It will be necessary to preserve the medicine.
  • During this time, the drug can be kept safe until it is necessary to remove it.
  • Secondary effects are more frequent or drug reactions.
  • Interactions with other drugs that are in progress.
  • Who can cure if he heals a dose.

Other things to keep in mind when taking home medicines

Since the prescription of the drugs of sale with and without prescription medicine depends on the weight of the patient, ensures that the physician and the pharmacist have up-to-date information about the weight and the oath of office. Very little medicine can be effective and an excess of medicine can be effective. In addition, different drugs contain different concentrations of components. For this reason, always try what you say in the package and ask the pharmacist if you have any doubts.

Make sure that your doctor and pharmacist have allergies or take other medicines at regular intervals.

In some cases, medications are given only when the need arises to alleviate symptoms such as pain or suffering. Medicinal products for sale without prescription medicine that alivian syndromes (like paracetamol and ibuprofeno) should be used according to the recommendations of the doctor.

I did not give him any medicine for him or her at the request of the doctor, especially to the minor for 6 years. These medications offer very beneficial benefits to the little ones, informs Hilmas, and can have serious side effects. Many infantile drugs for toss and resuscitation have more than one component, which increases the probabilities of accidental overdose when using other drugs.

Many medicines need to be completed and the treatment prescribed by the doctor, including even if he is trying to find more antidotes. For example, antibiotics help to kill bacteria, so it is important to take all doses, including those that cause the symptoms to disappear. Conversely, if the infection were to reactivate the infection.

Learn about the acetylsalicylic acid

No acetylsalicylic acid has one, so all during viral infections (virus, flu, varicose veins or high respiratory tract infection), because it can cause Reye’s syndrome. It is a vital risk-taking disease that causes nausea, vomiting and extreme fatigue, which can evolve into a coma state.

Some medicinal products for sale without medical prescription (including some that treat the pain of cabbage and nasal congestion) contain acetylsalicylic acid. For this reason, always keep the prospectus and consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking them. In addition, in some medicines that contain the acid, different flavors are used (as salicylated or acetylsalicylated). For this reason, also avoid these medicines.

Basic standards for using safe medications

Always consult your doctor if you are unsure of your symptoms and require medication.

No use of any medications that are available for treatment. For example, pharmaceuticals often need more work from the manufacturer to produce other types of supplements. If so, he knows that his son completes the treatment, deshágase de las sobras. If a drug is taken that is taken as needed, file in the cadet certificate to ensure that no one administers his drug.

Never had any medication that could be used for another person, is an adult or a niece. Although the person has the same disease, he or she may need different medications at different doses and with different indications.

I have never had a drug that is for adults.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking them different types of medicines which contains the same components.

If you buy medicines for sale without a prescription, understand that your envelope does not present signs of manipulation, and does not use any envase roto, cortado o estropeado. Make sure you also buy the gift certificate.

Work with your pharmacist to be able to dispose of one historiese sobre los medicamentos de toda su familia. Consult your pharmacist if you have any questions about any medicine, including information about possible side effects or reactions to the medicine.
