Hope is the most powerful thing that audio has to offer

(CNN) – Situated between the shelters where the ISIS terrorists were deported in the Iraqi city of Mosul, Papa Francisco declared on Saturday that “hope is” more powerful than audio and more powerful than war “.

Francisco pidió an “harmonious coexistence” of persons of different origins and cultures while conducting an oration in a square with a view of the ruins of the Syro-Catholic Church in the ancient city of Mosul. Once upon a time there was an ISIS bastion, all the city was completely destroyed in 2017, during the new battle for control.

“Here in Mosul, the tragic consequences of the war and its hostility are evident,” said Francisco. “What a cruel thing it is that this country, the city of civilization, has been ravaged by a barbaric tantrum, with ancient places of worship destroyed and miles of people – Muslims, Christians, Yazidis and others – displaced by the force or assassinations! »

Miles of people went bankrupt during the battle for the Mosul arrests in ISIS, which controlled the city between 2014 and 2017.

The visit to Mosul takes place during the third day of the Papal War on this nation devastated by the war, the first papal visit to Iraq and the first trip to Francisco Fuera from Italy since the coronavirus pandemic began. On repeated occasions during the journey, he has practiced religious extremism and has fallen in love with religions.

The Papa Francisco has an oration for the victims of the war in the Plaza de la Iglesia in the old city of Mosul.

The Mosul Francisco route to Qaraqosh, the largest Christian city in Iraq. Although Mosul, Qaraqosh was also controlled by the ISIS terrorist group for more than two years.

The father visited the Iglesia de la Inmaculada Conception, giving a speech and directing an oration. Alli was received by miles of people, a different market with its visits to other places in Iraq. The governing body imposes a total of four during the quarterly visit of the couple to minimize the risks of health and safety.

The last day of the day, the father celebrated a mass in the stadium Franso Hariri in Erbil, according to Iraqi state television Iraqiya. A total of 8,000 people gathered at the stadium to receive Dad, informing CNN security officials. The plan is to have the stadium of 35,000 assistants and a 50% of its capacity with a vacancy between each of the assistants to allow the social distance, according to the employees. Without embarrassment, the images of the stadium will show franchises of the degrees of the stadium full of people with very few social distances.

Domingo tempera, Francisco meets with Nechirvan Barzani, president of the Kurdish Regional Government, the semi-autonomous region in northern Iraq.

It is believed that the father suffered for a long time in Iraq, who appeared in the Middle Ages in the Old Testament, and that the Christian minority has suffered greatly because of the long cycle of violence in the country.

Considering one of the most ancient Christian communities in the world, before the 2003 urban invasion, it had 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Alrededor of 80% of them and skin of entones, following the clear Christian principals alli.

Papa Francisco en Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Qaraqosh, Iraq, domingo 7 de marzo de 2021.

The Baghdad bombing raid was carried out by Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. Most recently, Francisco met with clerics and other officials at a Baghdad church that hosted a massacre in 2010.

On Saturday, the pope celebrated a historic reunion with a clerical Muslim cleric, the great ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the holy city of Najaf before visiting Ur, the ancient Iraqi city of Jews, Christians and Muslims creen queen.

Luego, Francisco regressed to Baghdad on Saturday and celebrated the Mass in the Chaldean Cathedral of San José. It is predicted that Iraq will sell the moon.

Tamara Qiblawi, Delia Gallagher, Aqeel Najm, Ben Wedeman, Ghazi Balkiz, Hamdi Alkhshali, Mohammed Muwafaq and Ben Westcott of CNN contributed to the report.
