Honran with memorial to the adolescent who fell in the Salisbury accident

A little one memorial florece a lo largo de Jake Alexander Boulevard off Salisbury, North Carolina.

A group of people coloco flowers in the place where a adolescent murmur in a accident Sunday, December 27th, Monday.

One hour after the tragedy, sus will be wanted and other people decide honor his memory with this little one homage.

Investigators say they adolescent established in the care of a branded SUV Mercedes while que Alex García stay behind flying.

Asi ocurrió the catastrophe of Salisbury

The police informed that the conductor for 19 years established accelerating when lose control y el vehicle translated by 138 days ago to shock against a árbol.

The Supreme Leader heridas leves, pero el joven de 16 years old due to impact.

Other dos adolescent todavía is located in critical state.

Conductor living with the culpa

‘El conductor of the vehicle live with the hecho from what acciones le costaron la vida to one of his friends and metieron to otros dos in the hospital ”, said Lee Walker Teniente with the Department of Salisbury Police.

‘Es algo with what do you live but for our support Conditions and Condolences van a las families”, Abundance.

La Salisbury Police dice to find marijuana and hongos alucinogenes In the motor.

Se podrían presentar more loads against the implied debt to all the offenders registrations.
