Hondureña pasó 18 months in México esperando asilo in EEUU; Trump’s governor never responds

Ciudad Juárez.

Migrants Celebrate This Anniversary President Joe Biden’s Decision to Dismantle Trump era migration program what are you obligated to do in Mexico while resolving its application for asylum in the United States.

“With this news our military is in the throes of reality”, said to AFP Nicol Bueso, a migrant hondureña from 19 years to 18 months waiting in the frontier Ciudad Juárez.

“It’s a very big allegory because at this time when we were here we had a lot of happy faces”, said the woman, who will be in one albergue de la ciudad.

For his part, José Madrid, a 40-year-old migrant migrant, increased Biden’s governing decision.

“Life is very difficult in Central America and we will congratulate the president on taking this decision and helping Central America, “said Madrid, who lived 20 months in Ciudad Juarez.

In February, Biden instructed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to take action to end the Migrant Protection (MPP) program established by its predecessor, Donald Trump.

This agreement obliges tens of thousands of asylum seekers to remain on the front line in the hope of resolving their cases, which creates a humanitarian crisis in the zone, aggravated by the covid-19 pandemic.

The ONG American Immigration Council estimates that from the year 2019, when it plans to implement the program, by December 2020, at least 70,000 people will be living in Mexico with the MPP agreements.

This controversial program is part of Trump’s plan to crack down on irregular immigration, across the multidisciplinary caravans of the 2018 finals and 2019 principles.

Trump has always held the presidency to the brink of irregular immigration as one of the governing markets of his governing body, which included his efforts to lift a wall on the front lines and plans such as the “zero tolerance” policy separated by miles of migrant families.
