Honduras salutes the ‘response’ of the EUE to its narcotics against narcotics

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Honduras on Tuesday unveiled official official information that Juan Orlando Hernández’s governing body in the lucha contra el narcotrafica, though the governor was investigated by the superiors for this offense.

“This information is a response to the demand that we have as governor on security issues”, said the Minister for Security, Julián Pacheco, in a press release.

The report of the Department of State says that “United States continuously helps to dismantle the capacity of reputable institutions to combat trafficking, corruption and other criminal offenses”.

It should also be noted that “Honduran authorities will demonstrate greater capacity to implement drug trafficking in 2020”.

“During the first nine months of 2020, the Honduran authorities confirmed that approximately 2.8 tons of cocaine were found, surpassing the 2.2 tons collected during the 2019 calendar year,” the report added.

The Department of State also mentions “the voluntary policy of the governing government to combat drug trafficking in coordination with the AEUU Continuing Aid Agencies”.

For his part, the Minister of Defense, Fredy Díaz, stated that Honduras should be the “drug transit country” of the United States of America.

It is reported that there are known convictions that tax authorities have initiated a lawsuit against President Hernandez – identified with the code CC-4– and other high-ranking officials of the country, trapped in narcotics.

Juovio contra Geovany Fuentes

Quien los acusa ge Geovany Daniel Fuentes, uno de los capos hondureños enjuiciados en la Corte del Distrito Sur de Nueva York.

The writing of the fiscal assurances that in 2013, CC-4 “solicited large campaign contributions (…) and description participates in the general public corruption within Honduras, including the failure of the United States aid”.

The President has the right to be heard by the United States Supreme Court against his brother-in-law, Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernández, while in this country he was found guilty of “drug trafficking”.

Monday, a demonstration of black marijuana vestments in Tegucigalpa, pending the mandate, in view of being involved in acts of corruption. In his cartels, llevaban writes the phrase “fuera JOH”, initials of the governor.

The president rejects the allegations against him, alleging that drug traffickers confessed to being extradited to the United States by his governor.

Según Hernández, 25 capos were extradited to these countries, 15 were arrested and five were arrested by state authorities.
