Honduran muere intoxicated in EUEU intent to surrender at home with portable generator

Texas, EEUU.

A joven and father of the Honduran family murió in the last hours in Texas, EEUU tras inhalargasse toxicos cuando intentionaba mantener cálida su vivienda ante la oleada de frío que azota territorio estadounidense.

The Honduran, identified as Kevin Ayala, to see the low temperatures converge on the hogar, without electric energy, debit the charge in various states of the universal torment, decision find a portable generator which activates the calender of the living.

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Ayala lives in United States, emigrates from Honduras, along with his wife and daughter-in-law. How to find the generator, the young haven toxic inhaladogasse which is detached from the apparatus, which is unconscious and posteriorly murky.

His subject relates: “Nothing that hicieron lo hizo volver. El ya iba muerto des casa”. Fast paced. All those who are unconscious inside the house.

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Katherin Padilla relation that the generator increases during 1 hour. “Luego nos acostamos a dormir cuando nos dio sueño”, dobbeltsteen. Tras esto, describes that he hijo emphesion to convulsion and that nothing will be recovered. The three are permanently inconvenient for more than 1 hour.

“No podium mover los labios. Empezaron a darnos oxygen”, describes Padilla. Ayala was transferred to an assisted living center without any signs of vitality. While in bed, in a state of embarrassment, four years ago he was admitted to a hospital in high school.
