Honduran clams enter the EEUU, while sending more agents to the Texas front


El Government of the United States is sending more agents to control the flow of immigrants to the area Valle del Río Grande, in Texas, in the last few weeks he read about families and children not accompanied by buscan ingresar a United States, dijo ayer la Office of Aduanas and Frontier Protection (CBP).

‘La Office of Aduanas and Frontier Protection of the EUA is representing additional agents in the area of ​​operations of the sector of Valle del Río Grande”, Asegura CBP. With these actions, CBP Search and disrupt the activities of person traffic on the part of transnational criminal organizations ”, the frontier control agency agrees.


The Río Grande Valley sector in 2018 is one of the preferred routes for undocumented immigrant families intending to enter the country. The situation obliges CBP to embark on campaigns such as “Operation Big Rig” and “No Se Arriesgue”.

In the last weeks, the area of ​​the Valle del Río Grande has seen an immigrant oil that he crossed the frontier of undocumented manners. Have two weeks agents of CBP Receive information that a female Honduran woman will be on duty in some places near the Great River.

The agents, who respond to the call of aid, find that the woman has given up on light. The temperature around río grande it is felt at least 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degree Celsius), detailed CBP.

While frontier security is enforced, on the other extreme of the country, a group of Hondurans protagonists a dramatic demonstration.

Yadiel Garcia and his father Fabricio, de Honduras, arrodillaron oran duran une manifestation of migrants demanding migrating policies most clear of United States, at the crossroads of San Ysidro in Tijuana. Allí, Dareli Matamoros, una niña de Honduras, a cartel has been appointed to President Biden to enter his country.
