Home exercises: The best training to burn calories and gain weight, and gain weight

If you think about it owner to eat calories, fat and adelgazar, mira qué te dicen des expertos en fitness: “Más que practicar eercicios concretos podemos hablar de que typo de trainingamatos queman más calorie. And these are the high intensity workouts like the HIIT and force training “, said Javier Menéndez, of the online training Virtual Training.

The main benefit of the high intensity exercises is that the same result is obtained as a ‘cardio’ training, but in less time. For example, bastarían only 15 minutes of interval training a week a week to be in shape. While having cardio’s’, as well as being able to run, it takes 45 minutes to train two weeks a week.

Geen solo eso, an interval training session of high intensity in which también are working the urges of force hace that your body says you need calories including the ability to exercise. It’s what is known as deuda de oxygen oxygen post owner, the EPOC, while your body is busy recovering energy. “You can burn calories up to 72 hours later”, says trainer Javier Menéndez.

Therefore, if your goal is to burn calories and gain weight, then dudes, this is your training plan and these are the goals that you will find in a HIIT session with strengths.
