Hombre vende hotdogs medio de la toma del Capitolio

United States. – It is well known that the opportunities are greater than those, “Don Efra” lo sabe, pues sin pensarla mucho ya pesar del riesgo que representa par el, se metió a vender sus hotdogs Capitol of the United States, in the midst of the violent demonstration by Donal Trump’s sympathizers, (Demonstrators for Donald Trump attack the EE.UU Capitol).

His name is Efraín González, 53 years old and originally from Puebla, who caused a lot of euphoria in the social speeches where he was captured selling hot dogs in the middle of the disturbances Capitol in Washington, DC.

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The ambulatory seller, appeared briefly on a FOX 11 local channel broadcast, with white face mascara, a Los Angeles Rams guy, and conduciendo su carrito de worsbroodjies in front of City Hall, abridged between the angry scouts following Trump.

Tan solo ese momento bastó para que “Don Efra”, cause great admiration between props and extras, then the situation in the Capitol was resigned to it, more so than an immigrant, who had been undocumented, had been exposed to a mayoral aggression, all because he had supported his case.

Cabe detached that, González, nada tenía que ver entre los manifestantes se se juntaron el miercoles frente a la alcaldía de Los angeles to protest the electoral delusion of aún President of the United States, his motivation was out, gaining life in a country that was not his own.

There was an announcement from the Rams, who in his Twitter account, hizo public the hazaña del poblano, sin embargo, no se sabia de quien se trataba, hasta that the web site LA TACO logró identify as Efraín González.

Without embarrassment, the issues do not end very well, there is another post on Twitter about the same affiliation of the Rams, explained that Don Efra, it is clear that it is that the gases lacrimogenic affect it, because it helps them.

What happened to all of you! ¡¡Así met me with the hustle to help !! Lamentably flushed by lacrimogenic gases and tuve that go to tempered house. Mostrémosle algo de AMOR ayudando a la raza. Cualquier poquito ayuda !, reza la publication

In GoFundMe, create a page for women who want to help “Don Efra”, during these times pandemic difficulties, in which he has the most difficult things for the people who live his business, then United States is the most affected country by coronavirus.
