‘Hombre caimán’ helps in speeches to get a job – Gente – Cultura

“Te habla el hombre caimán, muñeca e ‘burro, para que ustedes hagan sus videos así chévere por internet con el hombre caimán. No te cobro caro, ¡hazlo ya! No pierdas tiempo (…)”.

These words are sung by the humorist Álvaro Lemmon, with guitar in hand and sent to the sofa of a house. His song was grabbed in a video posted on his Twitter account, which has a record 10,000 followers.

In the publication, Lemmon told his friends that he had started a collaboration and that he was “making promotional videos for business, compliments and everything he needed”. Ensure that audiovisual products are economical and that in order to help them you can contact your cellular number.

(Además: ‘Hombre Cayman”s help Gobierno help his people)

The humorist’s message went viral on its social network and some people announced that it would help.

The ‘cayman male’, as known, was employed in 2019 as he announced the release of ‘Sábados Felices’, one of the oldest programs of Colombian television and in which he participated for more than 40 years .

In these cases, Lemmon increases the program for years of work, but does not hide his inconvenience in the form in which he dies. It is also known that retirement benefits are calculated at 74 years of age, and it complements the 62 regulations for the retirement of men.

“It seems to me that everything is equal, that you continue in the name. Without embarrassment, time has passed, I announce that I have nothing to do with it, ”he said.

(Le sugerimos learns: Emotiva despedida del ‘Hombre Caimán’ del program ‘Sábados felices’)

Three months later, in 2020, it was announced that the Telecaribe channel had signed up for the ‘The Formula of Humor’ program, a contest in which Lemmon was sentenced together with Myriam de Lourdes and Lucho Chamié.Production will take place on February 26, 2020 and will end on March 25.

And it is one of the sectors most affected by the crisis that the coronavirus has generated in terms of art and culture.

Tan solo in Bogotá, for example, Nicolás Montero, secretary of Cultura de Bogotá, in Mauricio Agudelo, regisseur van Economías Creativas, le confirmmaron a este diario pas a year passed “specifically in the staged and visual arts, in the age of cultural heritage , which is the first entry into the crisis, with a reduction of 312,000 million in monthly weight. ”

Felipe Buitrago, Minister of Culture, explored that in the midst of the shortcomings, in 2021 this sector will have the highest rate in its history (444 million millions of pesos) and the sectors that belong to the Orange Economy will face a tax cut of $ 517,000 million to boost projects at the national level.

(You can read more: Why do Colombian actors not receive royalties?)

