his followers follow him and the neo-Nazis approach his descendant

By Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny – NBC News

Followers of the theories of the QAnon conspiracy that frequent chats and public and private internet forums abatidate this market because of its prophecy that will hold a State Golf ball during Donald Trump’s power post. wanted to demonstrate falsely when Joe Biden loaded the cargo without incident.

The situation leads to some of QAnon’s sequels without more remedy than to completely disprove this theory of conspiracy, but there are others who believe that it is complete to have a complete lie devoid of reality and flagrant falsifications.

QAnon’s partisans believe that the position of the mercenaries will be an elaborate step by the president, in which the Democrats are detained and executed while Trump conserves power. In the past, similar predictions of final juices have been formed by the QAnon community: on top of that, it has not been fulfilled, since it has been ridiculed as the world is controlled by telepathic authorities.

[Extremistas  prometen regresar a Washington D.C. para la toma de posesión de Biden]

However, in contrast to their previous occasions, Biden’s position is in the community with some perspectives. As his predictions are not hicieron reality, the radicalized members of QAnon express to be trained in messaging applications such as Telegram and forums that suelen llamarse “El gran despertar”, which is the number of its failed apocalyptic scenario.

Mientras Biden was awarded a verdict, a popular post in a QAnon forum saying: “It is not as if you are sued”. The question is: “How long will it take for the federal authorities to remove the escalators and arrest them?”

Other users will be notified immediately, but will not be able to tell if they are out of the blue if they do not show up.

“Have you ever been very disappointed?”, announces a published publication in a popular QAnon forum, “It’s like it and there’s a big shelf debacle from the river thinking that it’s exactly what we want, but when we open it we have a carbon trout”.

[¿Qué es la conspiración Qanon que defienden algunos partidarios de Trump?]

One of QAnon’s major groups in Telegram will close the comments to allow all “take a breath” after the Biden’s job post. When commenting, comments from users accusing censorship administrators, miles of people expressing a series of reactions: confusion and comprehension that Qanon was engaged in, as well as a compromise with conspiracy theory of its lack of credibility.

Ron Watkins; who was the 8kun administrator, the QAnon message forum, and an important force behind the false conspiracy theories that led to the results of the elections, capitulation and published a note for more than 100,000 followers: “We are all of us. Now we need to maintain the front end and regress our lives in the best way ”.

QAnon’s influential personalities have migrated to marginal applications such as Telegram and Gab after years of degenerate crime in major speeches, such as Twitter and Facebook, which have banned their accounts and content this past year. Facebook announced on March that it has eliminated 60,000 pages, groups and accounts that will promote this conspiracy theory from November.

Many QAnon follow-up week prepares for a national outing during the day of the Position of the Position, advising his friends and family on text and message boards that buy radios and abstain from food. Create that Trump will announce the martial law imposed by the Emergency Alert System, in order to carry out massive arrests.

[Mentiras y teorías de la conspiración sobre las elecciones florecen en internet impulsadas por las falsedades de Trump]

Travis View, which presents QAnon Anonymous, a podcast centered on discrediting conspiracy theories, while those who win money with disinformation have difficulties in persuading their followers to keep the fairy in motion, however.

“The influencers of QAnon who attended large audiences during the last three years continuously encouraging their audiences to ‘trust the plan'”, dijo View,“Many followers of QAnon are expressing their joy and disillusionment.”

Some fanatical allegations of this theory of the intriguing conspiracy in the Capitol of January 6, including a man who lured a QAnon t-shirt, led a group of protesters to the Senate chamber.

In the chats captured by Logically.AI, a technology company dedicated to data verification, which was revised by NBC News, just before the launch of QAnon’s party site, most of us would like to know what to expect. , pero luego se sintieron avergonzados cuando el golpe no sucedió.

“God help us, we are more than lists. If nothing happens, you will not create anything ”, you are a sympathizer at the commencement of the ceremony.

“Smoke fumes”, another day, moments gone.

Nick Backovic, one of the Logically.AI investigators, said that although many believe that many of QAnon’s followers are still despised by this ultimate failed profession, it has come to pass. the collectors of the “asaltan” supremacist movements the QAnon groups with the explicit goal of recruiting theoretical conspiracies that are disillusioned and desperate.

“There are many people who are engaged, engaged and engaged. For the most part that is what it is, what preoccupies me is the rest, “said Backovic,” we are living in a lot of neo-Nazis that are approved by the disenfranchised people. “

In the dioceses behind the aisle of the Capitol, the white supremacist groups attack explicitly the Trump fanatics who create that Podrian radicalizes after that Parler, the social media platform, was temporarily suspended and El movimiento.

“Concentrate on getting rid of the red pill [reclutarlos] and more enojarlos by the elections and the new democratic regime “, announces a recruitment message from the white supremacists in Telegram, “Aumenten su gran odio por la injusticia”.
