Hipolito Mejía duda that there are sufficient funds to build verja in all the front

The President of the Republic, Hipólito Mejía, expresses his doubts that the country has enough funds to build a city that will build all the zones of the Dominican-Haitian frontier.

Without embarrassment, it appears that there was an action announced by the current secretary, Luis Abinader, during the reprieve.

I do not believe that there are enough funds to complete (the verja), the thirds and a few kilometers, but if it is a decision of the President, I respect it, I know the details of the ultimate security of the State, I am respectful ”, Manifesto.

Admás Mejía signaled possible points in the plan of the city, indicating that in cities such as Luperón, the province of Puerto Plata, and Pedernales, could enter persons of an illegal manner through the sea.

“Yo conozco la frontera y es una reality en todos los paises, siempre lo he hablado con la sufficiente claridad. We can have verjas pero tenemos a Luperón ya Pedernales, que es a mar abierto, es un Problem, ”indo el exjefe de Estado.

The verdict was originally announced by Abinader, during his speech of recounting the past month.

In its allocation it indicates that in the second half of this year it will be emphatic to build a “double perimeter wall” in the more conflicting trams of the dividing line, and a simple one in the rest.

Also ensures that the machine converts with motion sensors, facial recognition cameras, radars and infrared ray systems.

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Precisely in Pedernales is what initiates the construction of the verja, liege that a commission of the Ministries of Defense and Economy, Planning and Disarrollo visit the zone for a limited line supply between Pedernales and Haitiana community of Anse-au-pitre.
