Hilaria Baldwin saw a walk with family on the Hamptons estate

Hilaria Baldwin took a break from her ten-year identity crisis on Saturday and enjoys the sunshine and warm weather with her husband, Alec – plus the children and the help – on her estate in Amagansett.

Baldwin, 36, walked for an hour with Alec, 62, their children and a babysitter to the ground after a three-day cold, damp weather.

She was wearing a black jumpsuit and her youngest of five children – Edu, a four-month-old boy – was tied to her chest in a carrier while the other children ran around with the two babysitters.

Baldwin spent most of the walk holding up her phone and talking on it, but Alec stepped in at one point to give her and her baby a big hug.

The news broke earlier on Saturday that she was apparently so at odds over what name to use on a tax form – Hilaria, her pseudo-Spanish name, or Hillary, her first name – that she crossed the former and inked the latter.

Alec described the East Hamptons property as “five bedrooms, a pool and a wood-burning fireplace.”
