Hijo Mayor Scottie Pippen, Leader of the Bulls, falls 33 years

The mayor of Chicago Bulls, Scottie Pippen, has been fired since he was 33 years old, according to the executor in his Twitter profile.

“I have the courage to share my help with my first child Antron. The two rooms love the balance and we have countless conversations about the game”, writes Pippen, who played 17 times in the NBA and won six championships with Michael Jordan.

“Antron suffers from chronic asthma and is not living with it, it’s really creepy that it is related to the NBA. Without embarrassment, there is no day that it is desanimara: Antron is positive positive and hard working, convirtió “, Pippen’s story of 55 years.

Antron was born in 1987 and was married to Karen McCollum, who married Scottie in 1988. The couple divorced in 1990.

Pippen did not reveal the cause of the decision.

Antron jugó baloncesto en la Universidad Internacional Texas A&M.
