Hijo Mayor Marc Anthony and Dayana Torres bubble 20 years

The ex Miss Universe boricua published a sent message proposed by the magazine.

“It’s been 20 years since I saw the most proposed proposal … eres it will be more than just a concoction, with an enormous courage and with many sentimental feelings”, commenced the 46-year-old actress and model in Toa Alta, Puerto Rico. “I’ve been so full of you and you are amazing, your talent and humility are great! Thank you for watching as your mom … You have a Bend in my Life … a God of God … Yours perfect for me. Mi Cristian! “.

The publication will be accompanied by a photo where it will be watched by the mother and he will be heard. Asimismo, aggrego a collage of photos and videos and distinct moments and stages of his life.

Currently, the mayor mayor Marc Anthony and Dayana Torres live in New York where they study university studies.

