Hijo de Lebron James sufre verschriklike lesión que lo saca de la temporada de su instituto

El hijo de LeBron James, Bronny, apparently suffered a lacrosse injury while undergoing play for the remainder of the secondary school balance sheet.

Tarek Fattal del Los Angeles Daily News Introduced James, a Segudo Año and Sierra Canyon High school, sufrió un desgarro de menisco en la rodilla:

Bronny James of Sierra Canyon sufrió un desgarro en el menisco en la rodilla, confirmigmaron varias fuentes para Los Angeles Daily News el jueves. The very second student promotion year has been operating and hopes to recover fully.

If the lesion, which occurs less than three weeks ago, ends the time, it has a source. But it depends on the state of the secondary school balance sheet in California, which has not allowed the high level of secondary school competency to include the balance sheet and volleyball.

Bronny James is the No. 25 prospect of ESPN’s 25 for the Class of 2023. Five inconsistent minutes in its first year, mainly because the Sierra Canyon team also accounted for one of the top 10 scorers in BJ Boston (Kentucky) and Ziaire Williams (Stanford). Sondeverbod, some evaluators screen that Bronny James continues to evolve until it grows in its body.

The ex All-Star of the NBA Gilbert Arenas spent some time working with James and he said to his most famous father that Bronny had a very similar set of abilities:

“Es tu clon, no tienes por qué preocuparte”, le dijo Arenas in LeBron,’s reis van NBC Sports Washington. “With only mirrors, probably eras alto, has the same velocity, probably salt more alto, pasa probably the wrong, IQ probably the wrong, say better and define better”.
