Hijo de Biden dolphin is cooperating and ensures its absolute safety in investigation

Washington, United States.

Hunter Biden“The President of the United States, Joe Biden, assures that he is cooperating and that he is”100% safe“which will be taken up in an investigation into tax issues that will be filed against it by the federal tax office of the State of Delaware.

“I’m cooperating completely and I’m absolutely sure, 100% sure, that at the end of the investigation, get me out of any crime“, confirms the second of the states governors’ statements in an interview transmitted this domingo by the CBS News channel.

Although failing to reveal more details, Hunter insisted that his assurance was secure.

And the only thing you can do is cooperate, and trust in the process“, aggregate.

On the 9th of December, Hunter Biden, who is a graduate of Yale University, revealed in a statement that one day it had been informed that the Delaware Federal Tax Office was investigating its tax returns.

The CNN report indicates that the investigation will take place in 2018 and that it will be with them Biden and China bargaining negotiations.

During the interview of this domingo, the two days before his biography is published, titled “Beautiful things“(” Precious Costs “), Hunter volvoó hablar de su lucha con las drugas y el alcohol, especialmente despuite de que su hermano burgemeester, Beau, muriere de cerebral en 2015.

“It’s not long before manos and rodillas search in the alfombras, fumando any thing that appears remotely to crack. Probably smoked more Parmesan cheese that nadie que conozcas, estoy seguro “, confession Hunter, quien admittó que una vez stuvo” 13 días sin dormir, y fumando crack y bebiendo vodka exclusivamente durdo todo ese tiempo “.

In this entonces, record, interview on his father.

“I came to my apartment one time”, relation Hunter, to point out that for the words Joe Biden “was in the cargo of Vice President” of Barack Obama (2009-2017).

“According to his Secret Service, the engineer to read the case – company Hunter-. And here it is: ‘What do you want here?’ El dijo: ‘Cariño, ¿qué haces?’. Le dije: “Papá, estoy bien”. Me dijo: ‘No estás bien’ “.

Political whites

El hijo de Biden, who was one of the favorite white politicians of President Donald Trump and his entourage in the last years, indicating that he had with his father all the nights.

Hablamos al menos cada noche“, sostuvo y destacó que el actual gobernante no solo se comunica con él sino con cada una de sus nietas y su hij hij todos los días

“He always hecho eso. Quiero decir siempre. Ha hablado con cada uno nosotros. Pero te diré por qué: porque ha perdido. Porque él, como yo, sabe lo que es no poder coger el telephon y hablar con tu hijo” , sostuvo.

Hunter is the second hijo of the first matrimony of President Biden, who lost his first job and the death of a child in an accident in 1972 and died in his prime, in 2015.
