Hija de Vicente Fernández reveals complications of his embarrassment

During his testimonial, the young man sang a signal that presented intense blood flow to the placenta and also caused him to suffer from the pain of a product that was in the vesicle.

“Nothing has ever been used to make it much easier, to create a placenta, make one suffer, as many contractions, also on the feet in the vesicle, the lower placenta”, recalculated.

Sumida en nerviosismo, continuo: “Te agarra en ceros, te llegan este typ de cosas y como que no sabes si lo estas haciendo bien, es tatar de buscar esperanz y tartar busrar tener buena actitud”.

Asimismo, recorded that the loss of the unpleasant experience decided to have a positive action and that he thanked him for his valence for being able to recover completely. “When I went to the agrarian agrarian’s point of view I saw and said: ‘I’m not ready to be sad all the days’, I’m looking to reflect on my baby’s another type of energy,” he declared.
