Hija de Lucero and Mijares is a list for the first time in the first time, as sorprender and sus fans

Here are some prominent and talented songs like Lucero y Mijares, appears that Lucerito has no intimate responsibility to continue with the legacy of his fathers, during his first interview in solitary confinement with the press, previewing his debut as an artist, la joven cantante se mostr serena, tranquila y respondi a los questionementos los los reporteros con claridad.

The young talent will meet the press at the airport where he will be very professional and will have the attention to detail cules sern his plans and project in the court, median and wide plaza.

With only 16 years to go, Lucerito is very pleased with the miles of fans of his father, quienes han sido pieza medular en su carrera que apenas inicia, pues se ha sentido arropada y bendecida por eloyo y cario que le muestran.

The young artist has had the opportunity to share a screenplay with his fathers. PHOTO: Instragam

His mayor’s secret for the xito: The sabidura of his fathers

Pese a que su quarera artstica apenas est por iniciar Lucero Mijares se I am very sure of my confidence and trust that he was able to make sure that his parents shared a lot of the knowledge he had gained over three decades of work in the media:

While ms he han quedado grabados a la joven artist is el hecho de no tomar muy en cuentos comentarios que hagan de ella sin importar si son buenos o malos, pues a veces hacen ms dao, always breathe being humble, sencilla and never look for a protagonist, pues ser su talento el que hable y no otras circunstancias.

In respect of her being on the stage next to her fathers, Lucerito said that she had every privilege, since many times she had the opportunity to sing to them about what she was the person ms feliz del mundo.

On occasion the talented young man has demonstrated that he should not only walk around the world in an artificial way by wearing large figures, but that he should shine with his propositions, when you demonstrated that you can, razn by what fans are hoping for in their professional launch.

Lucerito shines brightly with his own light. PHOTO: SPECIAL

