Hija de Jesús Fichamba pide cadena de oración por su padre; the song is in coma induced | Gente | Maintenance

“There are those who fear and plead with God that the living thing is given and that it is greater,” said his wife María José Fichamba.

Alrededor de las 18:00 Jesús Fichamba fue trasladado del Hospital Municipal Bicentenario from Guayaquil to Teodoro Maldonado Carbo, debit to its critical state of health.

Jesús Fichamba was hospitalized by COVID-19; Gustavo Pacheco can be thanked for his greetings

Su hija María José Fichamba, confirms to this Diario that his father was taken to this health center on Thursday was induced, even though his health was sent to the Bicentenario Hospital, where the internal hospital was located earlier.

“There is a plague of plagues on God that is alive and well. At the moment it is in a critical state ”, dijo su hija, desde los exteriores del hospital, situated al sur de la ciudad.

In the course of the delay, the notice that Fichamba was bankrupt, by which Gustavo Pachecho, music and the artist’s friends grabbed a video showing the soundtrack on social media.

“The news that Fichamba has failed is worth it, he made a horrific speech to Teodoro Maldonado (the video was shared at 6:50 p.m.), and here he is with those he wants to enthuse, as we will only read the oraciones suyas. That’s all. Thanks ”, dijo el también artist.

Según Pacheco, Fichamba delivered two seminars against COVID-19, while presenting a majority and recovery; but he almost got his money back and recovered. For those who, together with one of Fichamba’s hijackers, are traumatized by hospitalization. “When I was given alta, I was led to see the braziers abiertos and lagrimas in the islands, the less I can do that I was to return this cariño de años.”

“We have to be lucid, as we are luched in the scenarios by the public, by complaining, by the number of our country; now in the bed of a hospital too that will be luchando ”, aggregate in statements given this late.

Jesús Fichamba represented Ecuador in 1985 at the OTI Festival of the Song, in Spain, in which he won the second place with his traditional interpretation of La Pinta, la Niña y la Santa María. Experience from which Pacheco also performed, conducting the orchestra performed by 47 musicians.

“Approve the occasion to pedal to all the Ecuadorian ear by Jesus Fichamba, as well as by the demons who also need an oracle”, Dijo by his lad Pacheco. (I)
