hija by Dennis Rodman, detached football player and he has the anotó al Tri

Trinity Rodman, hija del legendario Dennis Rodman, figure of basketball in the years 90 and member of Salon de la Fama of the NBA, decided to forge his truck on his account, in his manner and in another sport: el football. This includes lower selections of United States and was approached by Mexico, a quien ya le ha marcado goles.

It’s the third of Worm’s third assets, which is about to enter the professional league to have the second global selection in the Draft of the NWSL and play during the 2021 season with the Washington Spirit, donde espera hacer goles.

Su fuerte es la velocidad, el encare y la fuerza, algunas de las caracteristicas que su padre puso en las duelas de la NBA.

“Jugué otros deportes mientras crecía, jugaba baloncesto, american football, voleibol, but football was my most fun because I still love it when I was the most young“, aseguró Rodman interviewed with the Concacaf.

Con 18 years, Rodman ha dado de qué hablar, no solone porque es hija de Dennis y de Michelle Moyer, the third part of the astro de la NBA, sino por futuro promisorio de esta joven atleta que ya ha sido seleccionada juvenil de los United States.

I play against Mexico and the double doubles

Going to football, Trinity represented in the United States in a female tournament Sub 20 of the Concacaf 2020. Here are the cars with Mexico, then his team won 4-1 and she had 2 goals in the second half.

In all the turn, Rodman hizo 8 goals and dio 6 assists, for which it is the great future.

I like to do it myself, mark and celebrate. I like to run a lot, be fast and super adverse. “It’s a lot of fun for me to grow up and it’s better than competence,” said Trinity in the interview.

De lejos Trinity be happy, comfortable, even if you have not had the best relationship with your father who always knows what to do with it duel like the power of her.

Yo quiero (be better father), but it is not easy. I mean myself so much that I am a great father, that I love him, and when I go to bed my body because I am still thinking of it, ”Dennis recounts in the 30 for 30 de ESPN.

This is the best year 2021 for Trinity, as it was a year ago with the benefits of playing university football. Había sido elegida by the University of Washington, pero la la pandemia de coronavirus geen hubo aktivividad y fue solamente un anhelo.

This is Dennis’ little brother, he has 2 hermanos varones, Alexis Rodman yes DJ Rodman, is the last to open space as a basketball player in the University of Washington.
