Highlights of the High Republic Jedi Master Avar Kriss

An animated Star Wars feature introduces fans to Jedi Master Avar Kriss, a major figure in books and comics from The High Republic.

An Animated Star Wars Featurette serves to introduce fans to Avar Kriss, a Jedi master and key figure in the High Republic era.

Avar is described as the ‘paragon’ of the Jedi Order, whose ‘compassion as a leader is inspiring’. She has a variety of Force abilities at her disposal, the rarest and most notable of which is the ability to see the Force itself as music, evoking tone, rhythm and a rhythm. Avar also led the rescue effort for the planet Hetzal amid the galaxy-wide hyperspace catastrophe known as the Great Disaster.

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Avar Kriss was introduced to the Star Wars universe via holocron cameo almost a whole year ago in Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren # 3, which – written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Will Sliney – was published by Marvel Comics in February 2020. The High Republic Publishing Initiative was officially launched earlier this month on January 5, with Avar starring Soule’s novel Star Wars: Light of the Jedi.

In addition to Light of the Jedi, Avar appears in the author Cavan Scott and the young reader’s book of the illustrator Petur Antonsson Star Wars: The Great Jedi Rescue, which was also launched on 5 January. She also appears in author Scott and artist Ario Anindito’s Marvel Comics series. Star Wars: The High Republic, which released its first issue on January 6th.

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Written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Ario Anindito, Star Wars: The High Republic # 2 will go on sale on February 3 from Marvel Comics.

Source: YouTube Star Wars

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