High Domingo Horoscope April 18, 2021 – Free Press

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Love: be more sensitive to the habitual. It is alert, without warning, that the result will be irresistible. Salud: sus hombros estarán tensos. Surprisingly: oplwing compromise difficult to recover.

TAURO (April 21-May 20)

Love: dring hallar a space for intimate dialogue or little things that will be sealed. The harmony will be created. Salud: wine of allergies. Surprisingly: some will come gracefully desatino.

GÉMINIS (21 May 21 June)

Amor: se vatent vatbaar y toda critique le irritará. A break to avoid peleas and allow to make the pauses. Salud: las caminatas mejoran su vida. Surprise: there is a sign of prosperity.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Amor: the company creates crea routines. Do not give in to temptation to do anything and propose new things. Salud: su dietes necesita cambios. Surprisingly: what appears mysterious will be revealed.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

Love: Roses in the parish hacen surgir a conflict that creates great. But you should check and pay attention. Hello: a dolencia queda atrás. Surprise: will receive a paid gift.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Amor: su pareja vuela con su imaginacion y usted se molesta. Relaxing and déjese llevar; lo disfrutará. Salud: riesgo de tropiezos o caídas. Surprisingly: the improvisation of friends from childhood.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)

Love: social life does not have to be excused to avoid dialogue. Do not pass up the opportunity. Hello: his nerves are alterados. Surprise: the new allies will not be a help.

ESCORPIO (23 October 21 November)

Love: the optimism of the invade; he desi que ha dimininuid, hoy crece en la pareja y se disfruta. Salud: se relaja y descansa mejor. Surprise: a praise the result will be disconcerting.

SAGITARIO (November 22, December 21)

Love: crucified in the cross. Debate between the amorous options; choose well. Salud: menos sal en su dieta, mejor. Surprise: Receive a curious visit from a couple.

CAPRICORNIO (December 22-January 20)

Love: the theme of money provokes frictions in the couple. Relax and avoid your desire to control. Salud: initiation of gymnastics routines. Surprise: a friend needs to be trusted.

ACUARIO (January 21-February 19)

Amor: ideal to retrieve postergados themes of the couple. The sincerity will increase harmony. Hello: I have a second opinion. Surprise: an unfortunate tragic accident.

PISCIS (February 20-March 20)

Love: his charisma is increased and influences more than he creates in his entourage. Su pareja sufrirá confusión. Hello: hydrate at any time. Surprise: a divertida cita dissipates the sadness.

i usted cumple años hoy es una persona: energic y rigurosa. I would like to make the most of this work.
