Hernán Giraldo: si tiene orden de captura y Colombia pidió extradition – Unidad Investigativa

El Gobierno has agreed to sell the versions following the two recently released narcoparamilitar Hernán Giraldo, aka the Patron of the Sierra, has no order of capture in Colombia and tends to be released on bail in Colombia.

In effect, it lies that EL TIEMPO published that she complied with her sentence in a Miami prison, authorities signaled to a security council in Santa Marta that no tenin order of capture.

(Look at a letter: Hernán Giraldo, the criminal of the Sierra, complete sentence in EE. UU.)

“If they return and do not have any requisites to the vigilant judicial order, they may continue with their activities completely normal,” said a source from the Police.

Without embarrassment, the Supreme Court ruled in its favor that on December 24, the United States will reiterate its application for preventive detention while avoiding extradition.

(Interested: The return plan of the executives of the narcoparamilitar mafia) The decision of the Barranquilla Superior Tribunal and the Court of Appeal was upheld by order of the court, with the Interpol Red Notice being issued, and the extradition hearing being activated in order to reduce the 8 years’ stay in the Ley of Justice and Peace.

Hernán Giraldo

This is Hernán Giraldo’s preventive detention solicitation, while his extradition.

“Once upon a time there was money in the United States of America, it could be disposed of by the General Court. The Hall imposes three measures of insurance on its authority in 339 war crimes, updated between 1982 and 1995, which correspond to the homicide offenses in person protected (Article 135 of the CP), displaced persons (Article 159 of the CP), disappearances ( Article 165 of the CP), carnal access to violin in protected person (Article 138 of the CP), between others ”, the House of Justice and Peace signaled in December on the impeachment of his liberty.

(Además: Vinculan a Giraldo y al recién llegado ‘Jorge 40’ a crimen de student)

For his part, the Minister of Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, signaled that the forces of the State could guarantee that this person would not be killed in any crime, except in all areas of the country.s.

(Consult here all articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

Giraldo did not pay a single day of imprisonment for the felony crimes committed by the Bloc Resistance Tayrona of the Autodefensas, while he, in addition to being a sex offender, abused nine decades.

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