Hermano de Elon Musk sells 30,000 Tesla entrants for $ 25.6 million

The operation takes place in the middle of a straight chain of capitalization of the company, registered in the last month.

Kimbal Musk, a member of Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO and member, sold these company’s shares on March 25 for a total value of $ 25.6 million, according to data from the EEU . (SEC, por sus siglas en Engels).

According to the information, on February 9, Kimbal Musk announced 30,000 Tesla shares. The price of each titled oscillates between 850 and 857 dollars. Three operations were completed with 599,740 shares of the company. At the same time, according to Bloomberg, it indirectly owns 1.3 million company bonuses through the Atlantis Japan Growth investment fund.

The sale was made after a spectacular career for Tesla, which will be included in the S&P 500 index fines passed this year. The price of its shares decreased by 400% in the last 12 months. Without embarrassment, ultimately the crime is brewing, has been translated into a lying chain during the last month.
