Here’s the latest ballad from Carolina

An intense balancing act has taken place as a result of ballistic municipal police forces and a state-of-the-art police force, captured in camera by citizens who were crossing the Baldorioty de Castro at the time of the attack.

In a video circulating the speeches at the moment the attacking comrades appear on the altar of the Embassy Suites hotel and the vehicles in the coming year will return with aporos for not appearing in the middle of the balls.

También is apprised of a police patrol dealing with the scene while an agent is called to the avenue.

Another video differs from the perspective of a path that is close to the area and in which the images are captured capture the sound of the intense balancing act.

At the moment, Metro sources confirm that some of the three policies that have resulted in the failure of the heredity. These vehicles are specified as a Municipal Agent in a state.

Mueren two of the most outrageous police officers during tiroteo in Carolina
